Chapter TWO

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Chapter 2

Emily’s P.O.V.

                “Okay, I know this sounds crazy, but I’ve had a crush on you since I was nine!” Did I SERIOUSLY just say that?! I didn’t even know he existed when I was nine! I expected him to call for security, I expected him to give me a weird look and tell me I was crazy. What I didn’t expect for him to do was look into my eyes and smile his sweet, genuine smile. Then he vanished, but I heard his voice, singing a slow, sweet song.

                I opened my eyes to be lying in bed. I closed my eyes again, trying to go back to sleep, but I remained conscious. I swear, I spent twenty minutes trying to go back to sleep, but it didn’t work. I wanted to see him, to hear him finish his song. I tried to recall the tune, and the lyrics, but nothing came to mind. All that I remembered was that it was sweet, and that I fell in love with his voice.

                I sat up, trying to figure out what I was going to do today. Bzzzt! My cell phone buzzed and chimed its little tune. I picked it up off my night stand and read my new text message.

Summer: Hey, u awake yet?

Me: Ya, I’m awake…

Summer: What r u doing 2day?

Me: Probably just packing…I’m leaving in 2 days…I g2g bye

Summer: Kk bye

                I really hated blowing her off like that but I needed to focus on getting ready. I was leaving for California in two days. I really hated the idea of moving across the country, away from everything that I’d ever known. Bzzzt! My phone buzzed again. I sighed and checked my new message.

Jamie: What up, snitches?

Me: Nothing, I have 2 pack the whole day…I g2g bye

Jamie: Kk bye

                I got up, got dressed, and slowly walked into the living room. I hated packing boxes, but it’s what had to be done. I started grabbing stuff from my room, and dumping everything in boxes. After my room was practically picked clean, I taped up all the boxes with my possessions in them and went to go fix myself breakfast. But I couldn’t get him or his song out of my head! I was hoping to finish my dream that night, but the only thing I saw in my dream was darkness.

California Dreaming ( The Dream Boys Series~Billy Unger)Where stories live. Discover now