"I wanted to go but I had to babysit Madison and Bryan while my mom went out to Olive garden for their 3rd anniversary with my stepdad. Anyways what was so funny."

"Tiara almost slapped her right there." replied Katilynn.

"Airi started it by "accidentally" spilling her smoothie on Tiara. At first Tiara was calm about it until Airi and Raiya started laughing. Then they yelled at each other until Tiara was about to hit her when the guy at tropical smoothie kicked them out. When we left we kept them away from each other ." She said.

She finally stopped for a breath and I walked past her. "She should've slapped her or at least cursed her out because she has that'd mighty black warrior inside her."

Chemire rolled her eyes. "I have no idea what you, Katilynn, and Tiara have against Raiya but I know nothing happened between you and Airi."

'Mmhmm that's what she thinks.' I thought.

"Well off to school we go!" Tiara skipped along and the girls linked arms as we meet up with her in the school parking lot.

On their way Brandon and Kai joined them. Brandon automatically joined alongside his girlfriend, Katilynn. Kai bounced next to me as per usual. He is my closet guy friend, we've been friends since kindergarten. We walked and talked about wh ere were going to hang out after tryouts until they stepped onto the grounds of Corona del mar High.

Right when we got in school we saw Raiya and Airi. Tiara tried to just ignore them and keep walking but Airi knocked her binder out of her hands.

" Just don't worry about it, Tiara." Chemire said

"I'm sorry for knocking your binder out your hands, it needs to cover that ugly shirt anyways." Airi said laughing

"At least I don't carry around last seasons handbag." Tiara said

"Shut up. I'm glad my makeup doesn't look like I'm clown that didn't even make it to the circus." Airi said giggling with Raiya. "That goes for Katilyn too. You deserve better Brandon." She winked at him as Katilyn gripped his arm.

When Tiara was about to slap her in the face Kai lifted her up and carried her away.

"I don't like those girls." Tiara said

"You just can't let them get to you, they just look for trouble." Chemire said

"I think you should just slap her then she will stop messing with you, if you don't she will win." Katilynn said

"I'm going to do something but we got to get to class." Tiara said

Brandon and Katilynn kissed and went different ways.

Tiara, Chemire,and Brandon went to the north wing while Katilynn, Kai, and I went south.

While walking to class I talked to Katilynn about tryouts.

"Are you even the least bit nervous?" I ask her.

"Nope, not at all. " she answered

"Of course not, you have the perfect blonde hair, blue eyes, great smile, and not to mention the best tumbling." I say.

Kai stopped me in the middle of my telling Katilynn how perfect she was, "You're great too and you're going to be fine."

"Kai, you're just saying that because you're my best friend." I sigh.

"There's my class, see you later." Katiylnn said and walked into her classroom.

When she walked away Kai put his arm around my shoulder as we walked the rest of the way to English. The comfort felt really nice because I was feeling kinda bad so I put my arms around his waist. Then he kissed me on the head and when I tintend my head upwards to look at him I saw right behind us was Cody.

I pushed Kai away from me as fast as I could but when I went back to explain what was going on with Kai and I, he was gone. Now he probably thought we were going out.

"What's wrong, Alanna?" Kai asked

"Cody saw us. "

"Oh, that guy that you liked last year, what's wrong with him seeing us together?" Kai said

"He's going to think we go out!"

"Its okay, I'll talk to him at football tryouts later." he said making me feel a little better.

"Thanks, you're the best, but we have thirty seconds to get to class before we're late again, and if we get a detention we can't tryout today. "

Kai and I ran as fast as we could,we sat down less than 5 seconds before the bell rang.

Later that day before the tryouts I went to Katilynn's locker. After Katilynn got her cheer bag we started walking to the gym slowly until Katilynn spotted Cody walking to the football field a little ways in front of us.

"You should go talk to him." she said pulling me.

"It's so hard for me to talk to him " I reply.

"But you and Cody used to be close friends in middle school." Katiylnn added.

"I know, I know but that was when he had braces and his ears didn't fit his head. And now he's just so cute and I don't think he likes me."I said

"Girl, you are beautiful, popular, and funny." Katiylnn said.

"Okay, I'll just say hey."

Katilynn and I started to walk faster to meet up with him.

When we were side by side I said hey but he was too focused at looking down at his phone to even notice me.

I say hey again,this time a little louder

"Hey Alanna." Cody says looking down at me.

"Are you trying out for football?" I asked.

"Yeah, hey I was just wondering, do you and Kai go out?" Cody asked


Before I could answer Katilynn grabbed my arm.

"We have two minutes before we have to be dressed and in the gym." Katilynn said pulling me along with her.

I'm in love with a Football playerWhere stories live. Discover now