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Hello just before you read this I read the last chapter and I am so sorry for the strange writing before I published it there were not many mistakes


What is he trying to do!? We have been best friends since I and first started training. Yes I knew that he blamed me for cheating but that is impossible!
"Olive what do you think you are doing!?"
"Oh don't worry just eliminating the competition, trust me you will fall to my feet one way or another (I'm gonna find ya  I am so sorry just watched glee and that was one of the songs) trust me you won't want to be alive once I am through with you," he swung at my face but as i flipped out of the grip of those holding me back. This only lead me to be hit me in the stomach how dare he betray me i had done nothing bad to him and had gotten into the academy by pure talent not because of bribery like him.

"no i won't lose to you yes i am outnumbered but remember training day seven they told us that if you focus your strength you can surpass any enemy! so don't think that i won't destroy you traitor! how dare you not play fair are you scared?" i asked furious of his rudeness and stupidity to try and kill me by using the enemy. It made me sick.

"ha you think that i would play fair to be completely honest i know that you are out of my league so i had to call upon some old friends. once  you are gone i will eliminate Len and take general, after that my friends here are willing to assassinate the royal family and as tradition states the general and there family will take the throne. so stop you petty whining and prepare for pain, but don't worry i'll make it quick," 

he grabbed the sword from his belt when suddenly all i could feel a strange felling come over me .  then i saw it, i saw all of it. i saw me fighting him losing to him beating him. and finally killing him. this broke me i couldn't bare to see my best friend die. yes he betrayed me but still he was a person i could always count on. only until very recently did we begin to drift apart.

i was then returned to my body, immediately felt pain pain rip through my body and i knew that we were still surrounded by the Praireas. this fight wasn't over yet.

"come at me idiots!" i yelled as i struggled to stand. the pain was nearly unbearable but i could push through. they charged i blocked this battle dance continued until every last one had fallen and i was left in a state i had never been in my life. even when i was in the academy i never passed out after a fight but this time all i could feel was pain and i could see black spots clouding my vision.

"Alex!" Len yelled as the floor suddenly got scarily close to me, before i hit the ground i felt warm arms wrap around me. then the ground got far away the last thing i remember about that battle was the beautiful light gleaming through the trees, then it all went black.

Flashback over

i hung my head low the scars still hurt thinking about it. i miss him he may not be loyal but he was a friend and i was his murderer.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2018 ⏰

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