Chapter one: love at first sight

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I would be walking around this thick dark forest hunting with my older sibling I was looking around for some prey that I could kill to bring back to my younger siblings and my mother Vanilla as I was walking around my older brother kit saw a cow elk and a small colt

"big bro lets try to get them both" I said

"sure, spark we can get them both and I am sure that will be enough food for a few days" said kit as we both slowly crept up to the 2 unexpecting prey I jumped on the colt and forced my jaws done on its neck as my older brother did the same as I did on the cow elk. When we felt them stop struggling we let go of their necks and started to drag them back to the den where our mother and our 3 month old siblings are sleeping as we got to the pack territory I looked around and saw our den and dragged the colt as kit dragged the cow elk behind me and we got to our den

"mom we are back" I said as my tail wagged and slowly dragged the colt in to the den as I saw mom curled up to my younger siblings

"shh spark your little siblings are sleeping" said Vanilla in a calm and motherly tone of voice as I dropped the colt and sat down and nudged the food to her

"here you go mom" I said as I slowly wagged my tail

"Aww thank you sweetie" said Vanilla as she licked my head and started to eat and then my younger siblings woke up and started to whimper wanting a feed and vanilla heard this and moved so the 3-month-old pups could feed from her as they started to feed she licked them to clean them.

"spark eat you can eat some of the colt if you want some I am not going to stop you, plus you did catch it" said vanilla and I slowly walked to it and started to eat when kit walks in

"hey mom when will the next pack meeting be because a few wolves around the pack are asking about when it will be" said kit as he sat down and looked at Vanilla

"it will be 2 weeks from now so you can tell them" said Vanilla


Me: i would like to thank my amazing friends and sister 

Elysa: d-do you really have to do this  big bro *blushes*

Me: yeah i have to

Elysa: Fine *pouts*

Me: well if i don't do this then how i are they supposed to know who made this amazing cover

Elysa: ok i guess your right

Me: now were was i, oh yea that's right i was about to thank my sister Elysa for the amazing cover

Elysa: yea thats me *smiles* 

Me: well i better go before Kit or Vanilla uses me as a punching bag *runs off with Elysa*

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