fight-teen (imessage, pov)

Start from the beginning

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"Hey baby" Corbyn said

"Hey babe"

"We just got to our stop a while ago I just wanted to call and tell u"

"And I wanted to see ur face"

" Ur so cute hahah it's extremely quite were are the boys"

"Honestly I don't know they told me they were getting food and it's almost 12 am and we have a show tomorrow"

" Then go to sleep I don't want u to be tired tomorrow "

" Yeah but the rats are gone like what if something happens to them"

" Go to sleep their fine I'm sure they are just taking forever to pick a place to eat"

"True ok I'm tired love u"

"Love u to good night"

And with that I hung up. The boys got up and huged me good night And left.

In the morning

Well I actually get up at 3 PM let's just skip to the concert.

I was standing in line with my hair straightened and a hat on and sunglasses so no one will see me. As I wait they finally started letting people in I got closer and closer to seeing the boys.

Once I got their I huged jack an took my glasses off so he can see me but then I put them on so Corbyn won't see

Next it was Zach then jonah and Corbyn.

"Hey sweet heart what your name" He asked

"Ummm Angie" I said

" That's a cutie name it's my girlfriend Nickname" He said

I huge everyone and we get in position to take a picture I took my glasses off for the picture

Right when it was done I put them on Daniel started talking to tyler. Tyler waved me over to were he was I followed him to the back and to a empty room. The meet and greet was about and hour then I took 40 minutes to get ready the boys constantly checked on me

As soon as the concert started Tyler took me to the VIP area.

" Thank you Tyler " I said

" No problem, call me if u need anything " I said and walked away

The concert was about two- three hours long. I was recording everthing dancing around. They sang trust fund baby and walked off stage everyone was about to leave until the boys pulled Corbyn on to stage.

" Wait wait wait don't leave just yet we have some thing to do" Zach said

"Does everyone has their phones out" Jack said

The crowd cheered

"Yo I'm confused what are u guys doing" Corbyn said

"Just wait" Daniel said

" Ok this is an extra part that non of the rest of the boys made up but Corbyn we have a surprise for u" Jonah said

"I'mma go get it" Daniel said running off stage

Tyler them comes up to me and I follow him to the back. I see Daniel

"Ok ready " Daniel said I nod

He ran on stage with a piece of paper

" I drew you a Gucci belt" Daniel said

"Awww thanks man" Corbyn said

The crowd laugh

"Ok I'm just playing come on out" Daniel said

I walked on stage and the crowed cheered. Corbyn turned around and saw me. I ran up to him and I jump on him with my legs wrapped around his waist we wrap our arms around each other and hug each other I looked at him and kiss him and he did the same

The crowd was cheering.

" Alright everyone we love u" The boys said

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