☆ conversation, over.

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☆ micAH: okay ik this isn't the best time but who's riding back w who?

☆ gemmini: we can just get flights back ig

☆ hellabella: tf would we do with the cars?

☆ micAH: ^

☆ eteeweetee: koda and i will save everyone the angst and ride with grayson cause we all have to go home together.

☆ HOsie: i feel bad for y'all

☆ kodaK: :(( come home to me tomorrow we can find you a new mans.

☆ sebasTIN: oou can i come?

☆ graySIN: ummmm, josie i thought we were good?

☆ HOsie: sorry i can't hear you over the sound of dusty cheater.


☆ eteeweetee: wait wait wait, you two talked right? what happened

☆ hellabella: 🐸☕️

☆ graySIN: one sec.

☆ grayson dolan texted josie jacobs ☆

☆ grayson: i don't understand, you made it seem like we were okay.

☆ josie: well, i changed my mind.

☆ grayson: you cant do that.

☆ josie: yes the fuck i can, you lied to everyone, you said you didn't cheat, but i dmed kaia and she told me what really happened.

☆ grayson: josie, shes lying, i promise, i would never.

☆ grayson: i love you.

☆ josie: tragic

☆ grayson: fine, be that way.

☆ josie jacobs blocked grayson dolan ☆

☆ graySIN: i swear to all of you i didn't cheat.

☆ hellabella: why are we supposed to believe your bs?

☆ eteeweetee: come on, if he said he didn't, he didn't.

☆ kodaK: excuse me? y'all know there's a think called lying. which is what grayson is doing.

☆ gemmini: im staying out of this. bye!

☆ sebasTIN: kaia could be lying too, possible for fame or attention.

☆ HOsie: you guys are fucking ridiculous.

☆ micAH: sorry but ive been by josies side too long to leave it, until you show us proof that you didn't do anything, i don't want anything to do w you. sorry man.

☆ kodaK: bella, micah, and josie you are all invited to my house when we get home to laugh at the antics of the dolan twins!

☆ gemmini: this is fuckingg mess.

☆ eteeweetee: whatever koda

☆ HOsie: fuck off ethan

☆ HOsie; i get that he's your brother, but you can ignore right and wrong.

☆ sebasTIN: grayson is our friend! we don't know that kaia bitch, why are you guys believing her over him?

☆ kodaK: idgaf y'all can get your own ride home.

☆ hellabella: conversation. over.

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