The Beginning

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The birds tweeted happily under the morning sun. Light seeped through the curtained window, shining on the boy. The boy simply rolled away and faced the wall to hide from the annoying light.

Just when he was feeling comfortable. The door slammed open.

"Jared! Wake up!" a voice from the door shouted, " we have to get breakfast ready before mom and dad wakes up!"

The boy groaned and tried hiding under the blanket.

"Come on Mellisa, do we really have to make them breakfast today? We did that yesterday... Can't you do that yourself?" the boy replied.

With a huff, Mellisa retorted, "Well, I would but mom won't let me do it alone... That and I can't get the ingredients on the top shelf."

"Ain't my fault that you're short," he snorted.

"You aren't that tall either O'brother Jared," she retaliated.


Jared reluctantly complied and got out of bed to his dismal.

"That wasn't so hard now, was it?" she said, "now go and wash your face, I don't want you sleeping on the stove"

The girl ended with a smile and left the room.

'Well, I guess I'm used to this anyway. I better get a move on, I believe something big is in store for me today,' Jared thought before he decided to go to the bathroom to take a wash.

He went out of his room, pass the decorated hallway to the end where the bathroom was. He decided to open the window at the end of the hall first and tried to take a look at the scenery.

It looked like the sun just barely got up and only a few people were walking around. He could see the old tree at the centre square and the birds seem occupied waking the neighbours.

"Another day pass and everything stayed the same..." he sighed out the window, "when will something happen in this part of the town for once?"

He closed the window and proceed to the bathroom to wash his face. He looked at the mirror and he remembered something. "But today, Liliad is coming!" He exclaimed.

He had a grin on his face before he rush down to the kitchen to help with breakfast.

Mellisa questioned why her brother looked so giggly all of a sudden but he just played it off. With a little suspicion, she carried on cooking with her brother anyways.

The masterpieces made were of 4 bread with scrambled eggs on top of each of them. Simply perfection.

"Mom! Dad! Breakfast's ready!" Jared shouted. His father groaned as he enter the kitchen with his mother behind him. "Today's special, Sunny Breads!" He said with the brightest smile.

"Ahh, that's lovely darling. You two always do this for us, you both should take a rest one day." The mother calmly said.

"That's right dear! In fact, we should get these two something for being the best son and daughter out there!" The father exclaimed.

'Dad and mom seem as jubilant as always. I have to admit, seeing them smile does make this all worth it.' Jares thought in his head as everyone was about to eat.

"Alright then! Let's dig in!" Mellisa shouted as she stabbed the eye of the bread without hesitation.

They had a lovely breakfast together before Jared left the house. However, his parents told him to bring Mellisa along with him. With not much of a choice, he agreed to bring her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2018 ⏰

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