Chapter Ten

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Christine did not know when she fell asleep. Or, really, she did not know that she'd been so exhausted. Blinking open pale blue eyes, the young woman was at first rather confused as to her whereabouts. The jostling of the carriage reminded her quickly, and she sat up to peak through the sheer curtains on the door that separated her from the outside world. It was daytime, that much she could tell, but Christine did not recognize the forested path they were on.

Closing the curtain, the blonde spoke out, attempting to gain the attention of her companion. "Erik?" She started, then tried again after clearing her throat a bit. "Erik? May I come up to sit with you?" The thought of him staying up all night alone did not settle well with her, and she rather wanted to be in his company, anyways. It was much more preferable than sitting and staring out the window by herself. Besides, there was less danger of being recognized now that they had left the city, was there not?

Erik blinked in surprise at her calling, and was about to respond when she spoke again. Her request was simple and rather harmless, but there was something that made him nervous about the notion. A third time, he heard her call his name, and Erik let out a relenting sigh, tugging on the reins of the horses to have them pull to the side of the path.

Christine stepped out almost immediately, and while Erik turned to step down from the driver's seat, the two abruptly ran into the other. The blonde lifted a petite hand to her forehead, a blush dusting her cheeks in embarrassment. Erik's eyes widened, and he stepped down completely, reaching out to her head.

"You have my sincerest apologies, Christine," he told her solemnly, golden eyes filled with guilt and concern. The soprano watched as he gently removed her own hand from the harmed area, and she could not help the small shaky breath that she drew in at the contact. Erik peered down at her forehead for several moment - perhaps longer than necessary - and then released a breath and stepped back. "I believe you will be alright, my dear, but I truly am sorry," he seemed to ponder something before he spoke, "does it hurt? We have medical supplies in the carriage..."

Christine laughed softly, waving her hand in a gesture that indicated medical supplies would not be needed. "I was taken aback, is all," she promised, "it does not hurt much. I suppose I was rather eager, wasn't I? Not truly paying attention." Eager was putting it lightly. As soon as he'd begun to slow them to a halt, Christine had been waiting not-so-patiently at that door, feeling an uncontrollable urge to see him and make certain he was alright.

Erik pursed his lips, not knowing how to take her words. Why would she be so eager to see him? He pushed away the thought, instead gesturing towards the horses, who had decided to graze upon the grass beneath them. "I believe that we should take a break and allow the horses to rest," He told her, and she nodded in understanding. "Are you very hungry, Christine? We may as well take advantage of our moment of pause."

"Actually," Christine smiled sheepishly up at him, "I am rather hungry - would you opposed to sitting and eating with me? I've packed some wine, too, if you happen to be thirsty."

Erik chuckled; a deep, throaty sound that she was not accustomed to. She wished he'd do it more often. "Not opposed, my dear - quite the opposite, in fact," He walked towards the carriage and searched through their bags until he came upon the picnic basket. "I believe that a bit of wine sounds rather nice right about now."

Christine stepped up, too, standing a bit closer than might be deemed proper, but she did not care as she peered over his shoulder. "As much as I'd love to stay outside to eat, would it not be more wise to sit inside the carriage?" The blonde suggested in a contemplative tone. "I cannot help but be paranoid of discovery."

Nodding, the masked man turned to face her, "I do not blame you. Of course we may sit in the carriage." Erik opened the door and nodded towards the interior, "Please - ladies first." Christine smiled up at him, reassured by his agreement.

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