Chapter 2

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Cams POV

"I wonder if Booth got along with Dr.Brennan?" I thought. She really doesn't interact with many people.

On the phone, "Hey, Booth how's it going?" I said "I think it's fine I'm not so sure about Dr.Brennan." he replied.

I hung up and just wished for the best as I drove home.

Booths POV

As soon as I hung up with Cam I think to myself "What did I just get myself into?"

But then I didn't regret it as soon as I looked up and noticed her gazing straight at me.

She WAS beautiful but I think my first impression on her was horrible it would take me a while to even mention what I think of her.

She pointed out something about my bone structure. I just said to keep it to herself because it wasn't that appealing.

Bones POV

I wanted to ask him about the job but he didn't look like he wanted to give me an explanation so I just pointed out some facts that I knew of him and he just hid behind them.

I told him about my job. What I do of course studying bones. Before I knew it he had been calling me Bones.

As I got up to leave without dismissing myself because it was a long night and he hadn't yet gained my full respect especially for calling me Bones. He said "Wait!" I kept walking until I reached outside.

I just felt someone get my arm and the next thing I knew we were kissing. It was passionate and soft his arms wrapped around my waist and my arms on his. Afterwards he insisted to call him Booth and asked for permission to call me Bones.

Without saying a word I let go of his arms and was on my way home in a cab. That night seemed to be great even though I kissed a stranger.

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