Jon smiled, feeling it was too long since he'd heard those words. "You are Ser Bartimus, hero of the Battle of the Trident."

"The same," he bellowed. "An keeper o the Wolf's Den, Your Grace. Welcome to White Harbor."

People were stopped in the streets to watch and Jon could see them alight with whispering and pointing. "I've grown up hearing stories of your battles."

"Did you!" Bertimus nearly fell to the ground, "Did you... But there comes with you, a Lannister and a Dragon to the North. And I say now, that Ned Stark would not abide-" Bertimus stopped. "An angel comes near."

Jon turned round and saw it was Daenerys that stopped the drunk, her presence sending ripples of reaction through the crowd. He wondered of course, if they saw what he saw, a radiant thing, with a gravity beyond her years, and a sadness he wished he could cure. How he wished everyone would see her as she truly was, whom she truly was. But it would take time, he knew, and greater diplomacy than he was capable of at the moment. She greeted the maimed man warmly, and mentioned that she knew of the Battle of the Trident. Jon watched her all the while. Aye, she knew of that battle. The one which robbed her of her brother.

Lord Manderly approached then with his court in tow, and hollered, "King Jon! Long may he reign in the North." Jon wanted to cringe, but in the next breath the nobleman said, "And this is the High Queen visiting our humble White Harbor." He suddenly knelt low. "Your Grace, you honor us."

Jon glanced back at Tyrion, just now descending the ramp, and the dwarfs eyebrows raised. The rest of the Manderly court almost seemed astounded, and the daughters sir Davos spoke of smiled charmingly at Jon, but grow a deal colder at the sight of the queen.

"My Lord, please rise," Dany said at once, "And thank you for your welcome."

"If you do not look exactly like your mother..." Lord Manderly said softly.

"You knew my mother, my lord?" she answered nearly as softly.

Manderly flushed slightly, "Oh no. I only admired her, from the side lines." Dany nodded slowly. "Please feel welcome here, and tonight dine in the halls of my family. Many guests have come to see you all, and many couriers too. Break your journey with us this night, and we will see you safely on the road North in the morning."

Jon looked to her and she looked to him. Then behind them, Tyrion spoke, "Yes, we accept this. And thank you. I have always hated travel by sea, almost as much I hate travel by horse."

"Well..well..." Lord Manderly stumbled for the right words.

"Lord Tyrion Lannister," Jon introduced him with the title he wasn't entirely sure was Tyrions. "The Hand of the Queen. And this is her trust adviser Missandei of Naath. Beyond is Ser Davos, my adviser and Ser Jorah Mormont," Jon cleared his throat, "head of the Queens guard."

"I bid welcome to you all." Lord Wyman said, "And these are my daughters Wylla and Wynafryd, and the banner-men of my house. The Lords Hornwood and Woolfield, and their sons-" he launched into a long line of names each of which began with W, which Jon had no hope of remembering. The Manderlys had remained the hardest of Northern houses to memorize for him, even as a boy. The Lord finished with, "Each of us are grateful for your protection."

Jorah spoke at last, "Greyworm here commands the Unsullied, and the Dothraki-"

"Are outside of the city, yes," Wyman barged in, and motioned them to follow, "They've been showing up for days, and their camps stretch on for miles. Then beyond that are the lines and lines of the soldiers you called Unsullied, and they have kept the Dothraki very peaceful, so you see. There is no need for alarm."

From White Harbour to Winterfell and Beyond. GoT Season 8 retoldWhere stories live. Discover now