Chapter Two

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(Gerard's POV)

 I shuffled into class and took a seat in my usual spot in the back corner of the room, right by a big window. I pulled out my notebook, and a black ballpoint pen that I found at the library the other day, and I instantly got to work on a sketch that I had started the night before. The bell hadn't rung yet so there was still the low hum of teenage voices, all updating each other on the latest drama, or whatever the hell people talk about early in the morning.

 The classroom door swung open and some girl rushed into the room. Most of the people glanced in her direction, then went back to talking, but for some reason, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She went up to Mr. Drew and showed him some paper she had in her hand. He read it while she stood there, she switched from foot to foot every few seconds, obviously feeling uncomfortable. He must've finished reading the note because he handed it back to her then pointed in my direction. The only spare desks were the ones next to mine, no one ever wants to sit next to the "emo fag", but I stopped caring a while ago. She nodded obediently and turned away from his desk to find hers but then-

 Eye contact.

 Oh shit.

 I had totally been staring at her and she caught me, great. Now I seem like the biggest creep. We held the gaze for a few seconds more as she walked to her desk, wow she had really beautiful eyes. Wait, what the fuck did I just think that? I guess I am a creep.

 She took her seat in front of me and took out her dark blue notebook and a pen. Woah, she smelled really nice, like, vanilla and cigarettes.

“Hmm?” the girl asked as she turned around to look at me, interrupting my thoughts.

 Oh shit..again

 I said that out loud


"heh, uhh. nothing, just, um, thinking out loud I guess" I replied, silently praying she hadn't actually heard what I had just said. She smiled and nodded and began to turn around, but something seemed to catch her eye.

"Woah, did you actually draw that?" she asked me, pointing to the sketch I had been previously working on. Great, now she knows what a shitty artist I am.

"Yea actually, it's really not very good though"

"Oh my god, shut your whore mouth! That is freaking amazing!" she said immediately after I finished speaking.

"Haha, whore mouth?"

"I have no idea where that came from honestly" she giggled then continued to say

"But really that is a great drawing, you shouldn't doubt yourself so much" she said with what seemed to be real sincerity. Was she new? Why would she be so nice to me if she wasn't? She had to be, why else would she be getting assigned to a class mid way through the year? But, I swear I've seen her before somewhere.

"Thanks, that means a lot. I don't really get much praise for my drawings, but I guess I don't really show them to people either, so, you know...and I'm Gerard by the way." I say to her, realizing she didn't know my name, and also hoping she'd tell me hers.

"Megan, and you're welcome, and uh, is that eyeliner you're wearing?" She asked with a giggle

"Um, y-yea, it is, I think it looks kinda cool and twisted or something, like I'm really sick or, I don't- I don't really know" I explained, suddenly feeling embarrassed about it.

"I like that, I'm gonna think of it whenever I put eyeliner on. I'm making myself look sick, it's like I'm making my outside match my inside, you know? Twisted "  She said with a soft voice, her friendly smile never leaving her face. I could feel my cheeks heating up as they began to blush.

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