Meet me and my family

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"Kylie!!!" My mom shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"What!!" I replied as I finished getting ready for the first day of school.

  "Hurry up." She shouted back as I rolled my eyes.

     Today was the first day at my new school in California. I attend Reddington high officially starting today.

       I won't go to much into my personal life as you will find out more later in time. All you should know about is my family. I have my mom Jenna, my older brother Lucas (17), my second older brother Zack (16), me (Kylie 15), my twin brother Kyle ( 15)my younger brother Aiden(6)and my younger sister Jaden(6)who are also twins. A family of seven. My dad and my mom got divorced for reasons that will be explained later. Me Lucas Zack and Kyle go to school together and Aiden and Jaden go to elementary school together as they are kindergarteners.

I took the longest to get ready as I wore a white crop top that was not to exposing and ripped jeans with white converse to match it. As I straightened the last of my mid length brunette hair and finished putting the last bit of mascara on my eye lashes and light pink lipstick on my pale lips I rushed downstairs phone, charger, and backpack in hand as I had a brown one strap backpack similar to a purse.

   "About time." My brother Zack said angrily. Him and I never got along. I don't know why but he just didn't seem to love me although I know he somewhat does just he doesn't show it as much as he used to. We walk out the door and Kyle puts his arm around my shoulder. "Don't mind him sis he's just in a bad mood today." He explains trying to make me feel better.

      We get into the van my mom being the driver and Lucas in the passenger seat as I sit next to     

        Kyle in the back leaving space for Zack to sit in the middle of Aiden and Jaden who are in their car seats. My mom had already found a job here which isn't so surprising so we all leave together. As we arrive at school we got out and I am extremely nervous to say the least. I have always been very quiet as I am a shy person. I have trouble making friends as I only trust Kyle. He is my best friend as we have that lovable twin bond.

      He takes my hand as we walk together into the school that seems huge as I realize I will have trouble finding my way around here. Though we only entered the school a group of girls were already talking to Lucas and Zack as I rolled my eyes. They politely pushed them away as my family hates attention especially me. I may not seem like the type to be aside from people off on my own in the library drowning myself in romance books but that is exactly who I am.

     I cannot say I am a nerd for that is only a label you can't judge a book by its cover and you can't put a label on yourself or others.

       The bell just rang as me and Kyle hugged and discussed where to meet up during lunch I walked away to first period art with Mr. Kendrick. As I took my seat I noticed I was sitting next to a semi tall guy wearing a black beanie and black clothing his straight black hair barley showing from under his beanie. I knew this would be an interesting journey.

Authors note
This is only the beginning of this story. I will regularly post on Tuesdays and yes I realize today is a Wednesday but I just didn't have time yesterday. For the most part my schedule is Tuesday and for some of you it may be Wednesday as I am in the Pacific Time Zone. California!!! Lol but thank you so much for taking your time to read this and my book it means a lot. Please Vote and Comment. Love you guys have a great day or night!!


The broken boy and the new girlHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin