I shake me head yes and run to the dressing room with Beck following close behind me clearly excited we found the one.

I tug it over my head and smile at how amazing it looks. Just like Rebecca explained a perfect party dress should be. The dress hangs down my body perfectly that doesn't show to much and has enough to work with for imagination. I spin around and the back looks amazing showing of my deeply tanned skin, not to mention my butt looks amazing. The front tunnels down lightly showing the top of my cleavage, well lack of, but it still looks great.

I pull it off and place it back on the cold hanger and put back on my clothes in a rush and look at the price tag with a smile then my smile drops. $530 dollars plus tax. Then I notice the designer name, Dolce & Gabbana, which I try to ignore but Dolce & Gabbana is Dolce & Gabbana. Can't really ignore that, in any circumstance.

"So?" She asks excitedly.

"It's too expensive." I frown at her and begin to put it on the return rack.

She pulls my arm and looks at me. "I'm paying that's not a lot at all. I brought thousands! I knew this place was expensive."

"But-" I begin to protest. I would be okay if she were buying me a chocolate bar not a friggin' $530 dollar dress.

"Buts are for sitting, so shut up." She says cutting me off lifting her perfectly arched brow.

"I don't know we had to give them a kidney for these things. Do you think they know these things are made from cloth not good threads."

"Babe it's by Dolce & Gabbana he is worth millions. This isn't a Macy's or Kohl's Maria." she points out.

"Fine but I'm going to find away to pay you back." I argue to which she smiles and nods "okay. Whatever you want." she smiles.

"Now it's your turn!" I smile looking through multiple dresses trying to find the perfect one on the first try.

I need something bold, but doesn't make her stick out to much. Something girly but not to Ariana Grande. Something her. Something trashy but classy, nothing that screams prostitute.

I finally come across a white dress that's tight fitting and stops mid thigh. The front falls down to were you would be able to see her belly button.

I hand it to her and her mouth literally drops in surprise. "what do you think of this?" I ask even though I know her answer.

"Gimmie" she commands taking off to the dressing room.

I play with my fingers while she puts on the dress. I rest my head on my hand waiting.

She comes out and it looks even better on her, one of those rare cases were it looks better on the person then the hanger.

The dress hugs her curves magnificently, her small breast sizes does wonders to the drop in the front, the smaller the cheats size for bra-less dresses the better. Her cute belly piercing peaks out in the most sexy way.

I whistle lowly, "holy... I'm so gay." I laugh looking at her up and down shamelessly checking her out in a teasing manner.

"I knew you secretly wanted me." she winks, "you really think I should get it?"

"That's a question? heck yes." I answer.

"Good I really wanted it." she laughs and enters the dressing room again and hurries back out.

We carry our dresses to the counter, as fate would have it the lady that tried to kick us out earlier is checking us out, and I can't help but to give her a smug smile.

She scans the items clearly annoyed about being wrong and tells us the grand total.

"That'll be $1,367 dollars even" she says it almost like that's suppose to scare us off. Granted the number shocks me I manage to keep a poker face as Beck slides her chase card and signs her name.

"Thank you, please come again" she says with her teeth gritted.

Her mouth says one thing and her voice says another. Her voice is telling us to screw ourselves in many different ways and if we show up again she'll kill us herself.

We exit the store and head to her car and drive all the way to her house the same way we left. Dancing and laughing the whole way, totally care free.

We run back to her house in a rush bypassing her parents and put on our dresses.

I curl my hair in big loose waves and pull my side bangs back with a bobby pins. I contour my face like I always do adding the right amount of highlighter and winged eyeliner. I slick on my red lipstick and pop my lips and my eyes widen to. My brown eyes bold and lively.

Rebecca straightened her red hair, making it look even brighter with the white of the dress. Her makeup looks phenomenal courtesy of me. Her checks bone higher and her bright green eyes some how manage to look brighter.

"Lets go show everyone that single Maria is back and forever alone Rebecca will be no mas." she laughs.

She is defiantly not forever alone she's had more boyfriends then I can count on one hand, but she isn't a slut. All were long term and the guys are all in a course off 7 years. Unlike me she isn't a virgin, she gave that to her year long boyfriend, but he broke up with her a month later. He's a total ass and I chewed him out real good and he may or may not had a black eye the next day when he started talking crap about Beck. We were in 10th grade at the time, and my fist hurt like no other. Me and Beck still laugh about that to this day.

I roll my eyes as we stroll down the stairs carefully, these 3 inch heels don't help anything, considering I'm already really clumsy. Although I am already extremely tall, a whopping 5'8, no one can stop me from wearing heels. Rebecca quite tall herself because we are the same height.

"Lets go party and get really white girl wasted even though we are underaged!" she cheers loudly when we enter her car for the billionth time today.

I cheer loudly with her as we drive to the party. I can only hope this party is as fun as Rebecca is making it seem.


Party scene is next (: Don't forget to vote, comment and share.

Oh && the dress I described is not by dolce & Gabbana, but he makes amazing designer clothes for fashion shows. Look him up (: here's His twitter if you want to see recent designs is @dolcegabbana

Next Update: July.1,2014

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