Chapter four

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Authors note: I've included a picture of Anwen. 



 Aaron stared at the crimson haired woman before him in utter disbelief. So many things were swirling around his brain, like a panicked vortex of confusion. His mind was groping around in what seemed like an endless fog of impossibilities, trying to latch on to something real. But what was real? Not even the money in his pocket was real. All of the lies—all of the impossibilities began with one person, and she was looking anxiously into his face.


                “My brother is dead.” Those were the only words he could seem to find. He hadn’t meant to say the word ‘brother.’ After all, he and Sean weren’t related. He had meant friend or… or shop boy? But Sean had always been more than a simple friend—and more than a shop boy. Neither of them had any family. He, Peigi, and Sean were their own sort of family. Perhaps he had meant to say brother after all.

                “That boy—he was your brother?” She curled her lips together in shame and sympathy. Aaron blinked back a tear as he tried to manage a stony look. She pressed a hand to her heart.

                “Then you have reason to help me.” She stood, a new light shining in her eyes. “I seek back my soul from my mother; the same woman who killed your brother. We have a common enemy, sir.”

Aaron plunged his hands into the grass he was sitting on, knotting his fists around it like rope. He had never been the type to seek out vengeance, especially not with a deceiving, soulless woman.

                “I have obligations at home. My servant—

                “You live in a town of judgment and snobbery,” Anwen reasoned, “You are feared or mocked because you are different. There is nothing for you there.”

Aaron stared at his hands caressing the grass. When all of his excuses ran out, Aaron would still be faced with the truth harbored in the back of his mind. If he went back, he'd be killed. If not by the men that were still alive when he and Anwen fled, then he would be hanged in the town square for Sean's murder, or for ‘stealing’ from the butcher. He didn’t have a choice, really. Something he was certain Anwen knew.

                “It appears I am without a choice.” He growled savagely. A weak smile flickered over her thin lips in thanks. She reached forward to touch Aaron's hand, followed by him sharply retracting away from her fingers.

A dark look crossed her face.

Her body twisted and writhed for a moment, like invisible claws were pulling her apart. A shadow fell upon her skin. Her hair was wild--like a lion's mane. Her eyes, which had been blue mere seconds ago were cat-like and wicked. She looked like a demon risen up from the very deepest pits of hell.

A satanic scream flowed from her opened mouth, revealing pointed teeth. In one fluid movement, she lunged towards Aaron. He leapt back, slamming into the tree he had been leaning on.

 As quickly as the attack came on, it left. The creature that had replaced Anwen's body collapsed on the ground. The shadow lifted from her skin, like rainclouds fleeing from the sun. The satanic eyes faded back into blue almonds, which were sprinkled with tears.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Aaron cried, throwing down his sword. Anwen inhaled deeply through her nostrils.

"My soul was stolen. You didn't think I'd carry on being human with a missing soul, did you?"

"No, but--

"I'm slowly becoming that. If I don't get my soul back before three cycles of the moon is up..." She didn't need to finish the sentence. A shiver ran down Aaron’s spine. The image of that monster roaming free was terrifying.

                She sat opposite him with her knees to her chest. Silence engulfed them, both of them prisoner to their own thoughts. As time went on, one thought reined superior inside of Aaron: I need a drink.



This chapter is a good bit shorter than the others. I promise I won't make one this short again!

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