"Nah, I don't mind." She answered. "But, uhm, Knox? Isn't it a school day?"

"Yeah but I gave Koco a day off so that we could have some sister/brother bonding time."

"How are you gonna bond with her at work?"

"Touché; you're right. But, still, it's easier this way. I don't have to leave work to pick her up."

"But how are you going to watch her and work at the same time?"

"She's gonna be with Jackson. He basically sits on his ass--I mean, butt-- all day. She'll be cool with him."

"Jackson wouldn't mind?"

"Nah, he adores Koco." Aiden nodded her head and sat back in her seat.

Knox pulled the car into the McDonald's lot and drove through the driveway. The employee did her little greeting and then Knox began to order.

"Good morning! Let me get some pancakes, two sausage, egg and cheese Mcgriddles, three hash browns, a small orange juice, and two caramel frappes, please." He turned to Aiden, "You want something? I'll pay."

"A chocolate chip frappe, please." Knox nodded and added it to his order. He got his total and cruised up to the first window. After he paid for it, he drove up to the second window to get the food. He gave Koco her juice and a has brown and gave Aiden her frappe. He placed the bag of food on the center console, and sat the extra frappe in a cup holder, leaving his own frappe in his hand to sip on.

Aiden, forever one to be in someone's business, asked, "Who's the other one for?"


"You guys close?"

"Yeah, I've known him for about three years now. He taught me how to run the gallery. You know, he was supposed to be the CEO."

"I know, he refused because he didn't want the responsibility."

"No, he refused because he didn't want the pressure. Running an agency is no picnic. Every decision I make is either crucial or beneficial to Grotesque. In fact, that's why I came up with the rookie showcase. I became wary of going off of my own opinions about artists instead of the buyers'. If people don't like your work, they're not gonna pay for it and that's money being lost. We need artists that bring in the cash."

"I'm going to bring in the cash. That's for sure." She said, confidently. Knox smiled at her admiringly.

"You gotta lot of confidence, Snowflake. That's attractive." He winked at her. "How many pieces have you done?"

"Four out of twelve. I don't like rushing. I'm trying to pace myself."

"That's good. You have enough time, anyway." He watched her sip on her frappe. "Is it good?"

"Yep, thanks." She smiled seductively at Knox, giving him a pointed look. "I just love chocolate."

◇ ◆ ◇

When Knox, Koco and Aiden walked into the gallery, they saw Jackson talking to the receptionist. Aiden was recently informed that the unattractive woman's name is Dana. She'd expected it to be something creepier, like Hattie, something that would fit her face.

The three walked to the reception desk, sipping on their drinks. Jackson looked up when he heard them. His eyes lit up at the sight of Aiden and Knox together. Jackson thought that Knox wouldn't even want to be seem with Aiden after the conversation they'd had last night. And yet, here they were, together. Jackson smiled, pleased, for the first time, by Knox's inability to commit to his word.

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