𝟎𝟖 ╸ battle of sokovia ii

Start from the beginning

"Thor, drop the boys!" Liayae orders, pulling her body closer to Arrokhat's back, the god protesting against her. He keeps shaking his head as he replies, "I can't, they'll die quicker if they're out in the air without the car!"

"Just do it!" He sighs, realizing that the Urghal would never back down, and rips the door off the hinges, seeing the father and son looking at him, terrified. "I'm sorry," he jerks them both out, letting them free fall into the oblivion that is gravity and wind, trying to fight the urge to go back and save them. A loud inhumane cry stops him, though, attempting to figure out what that could've been. A large black and red dragon soars into the sky, picking up the men, both of them hanging on to the scales as large blood red wings beat beside them, taking them back to the city. Thor is still holding on to the falling car, and, when he apprehends this, he rotates his hammer and lets it take him away, Arrokhat landing on the pavement next to Steve and Diana, the two supersoldiers helping the family off, feeling the heat radiate off the dragon's body. A large wall of flame shoots down, burning a line of robots, melting their metallic bodies and leaving small bonfires on the ground. Thor lands on the woman's car, "What, were you napping?" Arrokhat lets out another cry, growling at them as he moved closer to the edge, and, spreading his wings, jumps off, ready to rejoin the fight.

Everyone saw his teeth: big, black spiking teeth that showed no mercy as he went off. His body was great, strong and powerful, so surely a simple weapon wouldn't kill him. His eyes, oh, God his eyes gave everyone the shivers. They were a glowing red, unforgiving and menacing, onyx slits for pupils that seemed to grow a little in size when he looked back at Liayae, his mother, to make sure she was safe.

The father and son both landed in a heap as they tried to protect themselves from the beast, Steve jumping behind a small mound of sand, trying to get away from the bullets, throwing his shield on the ground as Thor swings his hammer, striking it like it was a baseball, sending it through multiple AI's. He throws another into a gas truck, exploding it and a large burst of flame and gas melts many. "Thor! Liayae!" Ultron growls, watching the two. "You're bothering me." As Barton sends arrows into the bodies of the robots, Wanda rethinks about what he said to her, walking out of the broken building, waving her hand over to where a robot stood, the red glow of her powers flying over to him, capturing him as Wanda's other hand moves to the side, ripping him in half. She forces her hands down as Clint gets up, shooting his arrows at two of the opponents. When Wanda throws out a hand, one of the AI's explode, his metal body splitting into three parts, two flying back at his allies, destroying them in the process. She takes a deep breath as she looks back at Clint, watching the older man nod at her in approval. She was someone he wanted his daughter to grow up to: smart, brave, and sweet.

"Alright, we're all clear," Clint walks towards Wanda.

"We are not clear!" Steve throws his shield. "We are very not clear!" He forces the edge into the android's frame, launching himself into the air while kicking his shield, breaking it and the car's window behind it. "A'ight, coming to you," Clint responds, feeling a gust of wind rush beside him, Wanda being easily lifted into her brother's arms as the older twin calls out, "Keep up, old man!"

All the archer does is lift up his bow, aiming it at the direction of the speedster, "Nobody would know. Nobody." He puts it down and places the arrow back in the quiver attached to his back, and begins making his way over the rubble. "The last time I saw him Ultron was sitting on him. Uh, yeah, he'll be missed, that quick little bastard. I miss him already." Liayae chuckles at Clint's little rant, her silver hair blowing in the wind as her dragon raced through the air, letting out cries and small bursts of flame.

Thor is thrown through a building's roof and he crash lands into a pillar, landing on his back as Ultron pulls back another broken rock and throws it at the god, smashing it against his face, Thor letting out a grunt of pain. A volley of punches comes down on him, and his hammer is forgotten on the ground. The Sokovian police are a few miles away, shooting at the robots, Pietro and Wanda coming to the site, ready to fend off the enemy. The male twin watches as his sister destroys a line of robots, running beside her, his arm extending to punch another. He feels the sting of a bullet in his shoulder, stopping himself a few feet away, looking down at his bleeding wound, his pale eyebrows drawing closer together. He spots the police and spreads his arms out, giving them an are you kidding me? look. A young man looks down flustered, and they find him to be the one who accidentally shot one of the good guys.

"Romanoff!" Steve yells as he throws his beloved shield, the spy ducking as it flew a little bit above her head, striking one of the AI's in the chest, Diana coming by and throwing it back at the leader. "Thanks!" The Russian casts an electric baton, Diana blocking a blast with her shield, and swings her sword, slashing through the metal and wires that were left unprotected, and Steve brings his choice of weapon down, breaking it at the seams.

"The antigravs are rigged to flip," FRIDAY tells Tony, and the billionaire sighs heavily. "Touch them, they'll go full reverse thrust. The city's not coming down slow."

"Well, the spire is vibranium," Tony replies, flying underneath the rock, watching the antigravs as the AI did mathematical and scientific formulas in her boss' line of vision, letting him see the possibilities. "If I get Thor to hit ━"

"It'll crack, that's not enough. The impact would still be devastating."

"Maybe if we could cap the other end, keep the atomic action doubling back," Ultron was smart, Tony had to give him that, but not smarter than the genius billionaire playboy philanthropist himself. At least, that's what he thought. If FRIDAY could shake her head and roll her eyes, she would, but she was just a program, so all she could do is say, "That could vaporize the city. . ."

"Sir, we have multiple bogeys converging on our starboard flank," Maria Hill says to her boss, Fury looking up at her statement, smirking, already knowing what to do. "Show 'em what we got," he commands, and Agent Hill presses the side of her earpiece. "You're up." Rhodey takes down two of the five AI's that flew underneath the Helicarrier, punching another in the head, "Yes! Now, this is going to be a good story!" He shoots another one down, and Tony comes up behind him, killing the last one. "Yep, if you live to tell it," he smirks at his best friend, their playful banter already starting up.

"You think I can't hold my own?"

"We get through this, I'll hold your own."

"Are you both like this?" Liayae flies underneath them, her hair getting pulled back from the rush of wind, her hands gripping the two smaller spikes on Arrokhat's neck tightly, not wanting to fall out of the sky. Rhodey looks down at her, eyes widening in both fear and admiration of the giant beast and the woman. "Who is she?" He asks Tony.

"Oh, Rhodey," the billionaire remembers, "this is Liayae Urghal, the rightful heir to the Smoldering Throne of her homeworld, the dragon mother━" Everybody that had an earpiece was listening in, and a new voice comes through, this time a female, much like Liayae's but it was a tiny bit deeper. Saelosha, Liayae's most trusted advisor.

"Let me, please," she says in an annoyed tone. She hated it when someone messed up her queen's titles. "You fly in the presence of Liayae Stormborn of House Urghal, rightful heir to the Smoldering Throne, rightful queen of the Andals and the First Men, protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains."

"That's a lot of titles for someone," Pietro says, "are you sure you don't want to share? Please, pass it on with the rest of the class." Liayae rolls her eyes, smiling, and whispers, "Dracarys," to Arrokhat, and the dragon lets out a large flame from his mouth, burning multiple androids coming their way, but one escaped without a scratch, and heads towards the carrier. "Incoming!" Agents jump out of the way as it crashes through, losing both its legs, and Maria begins firing at it as it crawls towards one of the computer techs. Fury sticks a metal rod through its head, shutting it down.

"You think you're saving anyone?" Ultron grabs Thor by the neck, watching him struggle against him. "I turn that key and drop this rock a little early and its still billions dead. Even you can't stop that."

"I am Thor, Son of Odin, and as long as there is life in my breast. . ." he says through little bursts of air he gets, looking up at Ultron. "I am running out of things to say! Are you ready?" He smiles behind the giant, seeing him straighten at the corner of his eye, Vision swinging the hammer, knocking Ultron back into the wall, making him crash through it. The god puts his hand out and it flies back, "It's terribly well balanced."

"Well, if there's too much weight, you lose power on the swing, so. . ."

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