Simone: Fun day out

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A/N: Sorry for the delay but with everything and my other stories I've been working with, it's been hectic. Well I get new ideas everyday, so they become short stories! Just enjoy it while it lasts! Also another note to add, Ray Ray's real name is Rayan so that name will be used mainly throughout the book. Thanks for reading.

Snow Holly out da building x o x o


We were jumping and running around the patio, playing hide-and-seek tag. But that was the only time we were really happy. The days when we were oblivious to the world around us. But only that was the days we actually shared happiness, peace, joy and harmless. But we all obviously knew that this would not last forever.


I was in a good mood. Nothing could destroy how happy I was. A person grabbed me by the arm and spun me around. It was Rayan.

"How do I look?" I studied him for a moment, trying to know who he dressed up as, "And please be honest and don't try to spare my feelings like you always do. I hate it when people pity you or sympathize with you."

I sighed in despair. "Ok, I give up. What are you dressed up as?" He looked shocked and (surprisingly) heartbroken.

"What??? You don't know who I am??? Oh the agony!!" He can be such a drama queen- no scratch that, KING- when he wants to.

I rolled my eyes as he carried on talking.

"At least you should have a guess!"

I pushed the party doors open and walked in with him following intro.

"Are you Justin?" A shake of the head. "Are you Merlin?" Another shake. " Are you a hotter Harry Potter?"

Then he smiled. But I didn't get why he needed a miniature hat and a toothpick with sticks sticking from the bottom. But I didn't want to dampen anyone's happiness as I didn't want them to dampen mine.

We went round the room greeting people whilst we looke dfor our friends. I felt a tap on one of my shoulders (I never could tell right from left!) so I turned around. And around. And around and around and a round.

At first I thought it was Rayan playing a trick on me. But then again, Rayan was nowhere to be found.

I heard laughter over my shoulder so I followed the noise. The noise turned out to be my friends form a secluded area. I looked at all of them in turn, tilted my head and put on the saddest face I could own.

They all laughed and chorused, " It's not our fault theres no space to sit!!!"

I replaced my "left-out" look with a smile. I looked at Rayan then sat on his lap. The others immediatly burst into laughter when they saw the look on Rayan's face.

It was like they knew something I didn't. But I didn't care about that now because it was Rayan who had my full attention.

When I sat on him, I was suddenly aware that he immediatly went hard under me. I shifted back until I was directly under him.

"Ummm" was the sound that made me turn around. It was Rayan who made that sound. The look on his face was priceless! He was blushing from his ears all the way down to his neck.

"Simone, would you, COULD you, move up a bit?"

I looked at him with a smile. "No can do, sweetie," I said teasingly then added, " I'm fine where I am."

Rayan looked at me with pleading eyes.

"All right." I rolled my eyes as I stood up. I dusted myself down, adjusted my Sugar Plum Fairy dress, then sat right on top of him. Everyone burst out laughing when Rayan turned betroot red, which was funny since he was black.... Well, brown.... Well you know what I'm talking 'bout. He looked embarrased and more uncomfortable than ever. After all, it would be a long night....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2014 ⏰

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