Under your spell {A Vampire Romance} [#9]

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Original Publish Date: 2/22/2009

 Another car ride. It was ok though, because I was sitting in the passenger seat while a vampire named Jeffrey drove the bulky SUV and Lucian sat in the very back seat. We’d been on the road for at least an hour now, and I’d been sure to observe my surroundings in case I needed to find my way back.

 The moon was full tonight, and I couldn’t keep my gaze from it for too long; it was just so beautiful. Suddenly I had a huge urge to look in the rearview mirror, and I did, only to find Lucian glaring at me.

 I looked away quickly and wondered why he had been studying me with a glare on his face. I would just never understand him.

 “You keep glaring like that and the mirror just might break.” Jeffrey said in an amused tone and I looked at him like he was crazy. He smirked at me then fixed his gaze back on the road and I caught Lucian turning his gaze to the forest outside. What was his problem?

 An hour and some hard thinking later we arrived at a fairly huge three story mansion and piled out of the twenty or so cars that made up our escape group. I instantly jogged over to Ariella and Hunter’s van to help with her. Ricoh, the vampire ‘healer’, came out with them and I nodded to him with a half-smile. He smirked and nodded back. Without a word we moved her inside and laid her out on a couch so they could pick up where they left off in fixing her.

 “How is she doing?” I asked. I’d been pushed to the corner by the two men and couldn’t get any closer because they were constantly moving around her and blocking her from my view.

 “Better. We’re lucky she’s a vampire, otherwise she would have died from blood loss.” Ricoh informed, his voice steady yet flat because he was concentrating on something else. He almost sounded like a doctor.

 “Do you need help with anything?” I asked sheepishly. I practically already knew the answer. Just then another vampire entered the room, and I practically gaped at him. His hair was beautifully streaked (naturally of course) with red, brown, and blonde. It was absolutely astonishing. His amber colored eyes looked me up and down and his posture practically screamed anti-human.

 “What could vampires possibly need from a petty human except food?” He asked in a high-and-mighty voice and walked over to Ricoh and Hunter. The two men I was familiar with gave me a nervous glance but never said anything and I began to fume.

 “Gee, I don’t know, maybe their mates? In case you hadn’t noticed yet, I’m Lucian’s mate.” I retorted. No one seemed to mess with Lucian, so I figured it would be a good thing to say. Oops.

 “Lucian is far below me and everyone else in this house for that matter. Do you have any idea who he is and what he’s done? Maybe you should do a background check on your friends before slinging their name around like it actually means something.” He glared and I could tell that this was the nice way of putting what he wanted to say. What could Lucian possibly have done that was so awful though?

 I spun on my heel and stormed out into the hall, slamming the door behind me. Childish? Yes; but it made me feel good. I began at a furious pace down the hall and figured Lucian probably wasn’t far, so I started yelling his name; reveling in the relief it gave me to do so.

 “Have you ever heard of disturbing the peace?” Lucian’s arm wound around me and one of his hands clamped over my mouth to shut me up. I grinned at him in a bitterly sarcastic way after spinning around in his arms and put my hands on my hips.

 “As a matter of fact I have, but I don’t really care about that right now. What did you do?” I asked not thinking about the fact that he wouldn’t know what I was talking about.

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