Under your spell {A Vampire Romance} [#2]

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Original Publish Date: 1/29/2009

 I felt lucky that night when I left the bar. My apartment was in walking distance, so I wouldn’t have to spend a lot of time looking over my shoulder for my new vampire admirer. I quickly grabbed my things from the nicely decorated employee locker-room and high-tailed it out of that place.

 Using the back door, I slipped out into the slightly chill air of the late night-early morning setting. It was only about midnight, so I still had a chance to get to sleep by two. My boss, after what had happened between me and Lucian, suggested that I not be the one to lock-up and that I go straight home – since she was a vampire too, I pretty much trusted her word on everything she told me about them.

 My pace was faster than usual, and I concentrated only on getting home. Somehow I knew that what my vampire admirer had told me was true though; I knew he would be back, and I knew it wasn’t for a Jack and Coke or a tall glass of Absinthe. It would be for me.

 As soon as I was safely inside familiar territory (A.K.A. my apartment building) I sighed with relief. Now he couldn’t swoop down from some rooftop and abduct me. I laughed at the thought a little and carried on, moving towards the stairwell instead of the elevator because I liked to get that little bit of exercise.

 “Oh! Oh! Ms. Hadley!” James called from behind his curved desk in the corner. I stopped walking towards the stairwell and looked up from fiddling with my keys, blowing a loose strand of henna red hair out of my face so I could look directly at him. “You have a gift from someone! It’s up here!” He yelled across the room and I gave him a quizzical look. I approached the desk with curiosity, and when I stood there waiting, James passed over a rose that had a tag tied to the stem with a scarlet ribbon.

 “The tag just has the initials L. L. in fancy script.” I said out loud and quirked an eyebrow at James. I was pretty sure I knew who it was. “Did you see who dropped this off?” I asked him and he smiled nervously.

 “No, Ms. Hadley. I went to the bathroom and when I came back it was there with a note that said ‘For Noelle.’ There’s only one Noelle is this building, so it had to be for you.” He rambled on. James was a cute, brown hair and brown eyed teenager who was a bit shy. He only had this job because his uncle was the manager. I couldn’t blame him.

 “It’s ok James, you’re not in trouble. I was just wondering. And please, call me Noelle.” I gave him a warm smile and he visibly relaxed. I turned away and began walking once more towards the stairwell, but this time I walked slowly. I looked down at the rose and concentrated. Soon enough I was seeing the past of the rose. It was being carried in by a tall man, who stroked it gently with one finger as he walked towards the front desk. Seeing no one there, he set it gently on the counter and walked away.

 The last thing I saw before I pulled out of the vision was long silver hair cascading down a black-coated back. Lucian.

 I took the stairs considerably fast and waltzed into my apartment in a huff. The first thing I did was walk straight over to the trash can which was hidden in the cupboards below the sink, but I couldn’t bring myself to throw it away. Actually, I found myself stroking it as Lucian had in the vision. I tossed it away from me with a grimace, and then picked it out of the sink apologetically. I searched everywhere for a vase, but ended up having to empty one of a pretty daisy to put my rose in. It was pure crystal, with the usual diamond shaped cuts in it to make it look fancy. I put it in the middle of my dining table, and then relaxed on the couch.

 As usual, there was nothing on. I got up to search through my movies in the black, glass-door cabinet in the corner of the room and had to bend over past the first few rows because they were all horror films and vampire movies. I soon found What Happens in Vegas – one of my favorites. I stood straight up and turned around. And then screamed.

 Lucian was standing there with a studious look on his face, but not like he’d just been studying history – more like anatomy. A blush began to take over, but my shock won over and I paled instead. The movie dropped from my hand and he smirked.

 “What are you doing in my apartment?” I asked in a less than steady voice. I curled my fists so that my hands wouldn’t start shaking.

 “I came to make sure you got home safely. After there was no one at the front desk I decided I would come up and see if you were here.” He said calmly. Ooh, this man knew how to boil my blood and he’d only met me tonight.

 “Get out before I call the cops.” I threatened. I’d had to put up with guys before, but none that some part of me actually wanted to stay and I was damned if I was going to let that happen.

 “What if I don’t want to go? How do you know about vampires?” He quirked an eyebrow.

 “None of your business, now please leave.” I was trying to keep nice, but it was really, really hard to. I thought about what he might want from me, and the only answer I came up with is the one that all guys want. Of course, then there was the fact that he asked me how I knew about vampires, which may also have something to do with it. The latter was highly unlikely.

 Lucian took a step towards me, but I didn’t flinch. Seeing my solid reaction, he approached me somewhat cautiously, and when he was right in front of me he bent down so his lips were to my ear. He took a deep breathe and sighed contentedly as he let it out. “You smell amazing.” His words rolled off his tongue and I shivered. He then brushed his lips as light as a butterfly across my neck and goose bumps raised on my skin as it caught flame with desire. I raised my hands to push him away from me but ended up circling his neck with them.

 Lucian’s lips made their way ever so sensuously to my mouth and there he took total control. I’d kissed my fair share of boyfriends, but none of them could amount to anything close to this. It was possessive, passionate, romantic, and hell – he was by far the best kisser I’d ever kissed.

 Slowly and not so subtly, he spun us around and then pushed me backwards until I was sitting on the couch, my heart racing a hundred miles per minute, and all the while not breaking the kiss. He planted his arms on either side of me (one on the back of the couch and the other on the armrest) and pulled hesitantly back so we could both take a breath.

 My own breathing was ragged, and I couldn’t tell about his, but as he began to descend towards me again I ducked under his arm and off the couch. I ran into the kitchen and pulled a knife from the wooden block. Lucian looked taken aback when he entered the kitchen in a casual way. “Get out of here or-.” but he cut me off.

 “Or you’ll stab me? I don’t think you could do it.” He smirked. “Hand over the knife, little one; preferably before you hurt yourself.” He outstretched his hand for the knife. I began to lay it down in his palm, but sliced downward instead and I heard a sharp hiss of pain. I wasn’t sure how bad it was, but I risked a peek from my closed eyes. I hadn’t cut off his hand, but I did get it pretty deep. His angered eyes looked up at me with a growl and I swallowed hard.

 “Just… leave. Please, I don’t want to hurt you anymore than I have.” I said shakily. There was blood on my white linoleum and I knew it would take forever to clean. I looked up at Lucian and nearly cried. For some reason it hurt me to see him in pain.

 “I will be back little one. What time do you begin work tomorrow?” he asked through clenched teeth. I was amazed that he would even ask me that, but out of the confusion and chaos in my mind, I uttered that I would start at five.

 After that he was gone. He just simply disappeared to whatever hole he had crawled out of. I dropped the knife in the sink and covered it in steaming hot soapy water, with a bit of bleach. I then proceeded to scrub the floor. And scrub. And scrub. And scrub. It took me a whole of forty-five minutes to get the blood stain to disappear and, while there was the faintest of discoloring, I was sure I would never forget it was there.

 I put the movie back in its empty slot, and then turned off the TV. I was too exhausted to do anything so I threw off my clothes, put on my nightgown, and fell into my bed face first. I had no trouble going to sleep at all out of pure exhaustion. I hadn’t slept so well in years.

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