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Patrick's POV

5 am. My worst enemy. 5 am. Something I dread every weekday. 5 am. I get out of my bed and walk downstairs. I see my mom sitting on the couch, dressed and ready for work, drinking coffee. She sees me and stands up, "Patrick, I have to work late today. Will you be okay alone for a little bit?" I nod. "Yeah, mom. How late though?" "I don't know." "Okay." I go to the kitchen and eat some cereal and fruit. I then go upstairs to get dressed. I throw on a white shirt and pastel purple skirt with white thigh high socks. I go to the bathroom and brush my hair and teeth. I head back into my room and put on my fedora. I check my phone and its only 6:30. I decide to scroll through Instagram. At 6:45, I put on my combat boots and grab my bag, then I'm out the door, walking to school.

Once I get there at 6:55, I go to my locker and put up my bag. I grab my math textbook and notebook along with the personal notebook and my pencil bag. I stand in the hallway waiting for the bell to ring. When the bell rings, I lock my phone and start walking to my first period, math.

Each class is one hour. Math definitely feels 5 hours. I stop even trying to pay attention to what Mr. Joseph is saying and start writing random lyrics in my notebook.

I'm a young one
Stuck in the thoughts
Of an old one's head
When all the others were just stirring awake
I'm trying to trick myself to fall asleep again, woah

My head's in heaven, my soles are in hell
Let's meet in the purgatory of my hips and get well

Hurry, hurry
You put my head in such a flurry, flurry
Oh freckle, freckle
What makes you so special?
What makes you so special?
I'm gonna leave you
I'm gonna teach you
How we're all alone
How we're all alone

I look up from my notebook when I hear a knock at the door. Mr. Joseph excuses himself and steps outside for a little. As soon as I hear the door shut, a piece of paper hits me in the head. I pick it up and un-crumble it, "whore" is the only thing it says. I crumble it back up as I hear kids laughing from behind me. I lay my head down on the desk. I look back up when Mr. Joseph comes back. "Okay students, we have a new student. Would you like to introduce yourself?" I see another guy next to him. He has blonde hair and you can see a bit of dark brown roots. He has chocolate brown eyes. "U-uh sure. Hi, I'm Pete Wentz. I just transferred here and uh- yeah." He chuckled at the end. It was a cute chuckle. "Okay Pete, you can go sit next to.. uh.." Mr. Joseph looks around the room for an empty seat. The only one left is next to me. "Patrick! You can sit next to Patrick." I wave at him so he can see me.

He smiles at me and walks over to the middle of the room and sits next to me. He leans over to me, "Hi. I'm Pete." I smile over at him, "Patrick.". The rest of class, we just talked about his classes. We have 6 of 8 (including lunch) together. The bell rang and I stood up. Pete than stood up. We walked and talked to 2nd period together, English, one of my favorite classes.

Pete's POV

I know I just met Patrick but he is super cute and really nice. He has a pretty good sense of humor and likes writing and music just like me. Patrick sings, plays A LOT of instruments and writes lyrics and melodies. He seems pretty talented. The rest of the day goes on. Most of my class time is talking and laughing with Patrick, ignoring the teacher. Except in English and Music. Yeah sure, we talk in those classes but not as much because we both love those classes. The 2 classes I don't have Patrick in are science and history. He has history 4th period and science 8th period and I have science 4th period and history 8th period. During lunch, I ask Patrick for his number and he smiles at me and adds his contacts into my phone.

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