S01E01 | New Agents, New Case

Start from the beginning

"Okay, so. We're done with those questions." Pete said and Myka agreed eagerly. "What do you think happened with your girlfriend? What's her name..."

"I don't know." Cody dismissed it.


"I don't know." Cody repeated with the shake of his head. "I don't remember. I was in class, talking to the professor about some mock trial thing. I woke up here, and they told me I beat Emily up."

"Have they let you see a doctor?" Lattimer questioned.

"Yeah, says I'm fine." Cody explained.

"And no - No alcohol or drugs?" He questioned again, and Cody shook his head.

"No, I swear."

"No history of blackouts?" Cody was further question until he spoke out.

"This isn't me. I would never hurt Emily. This isn't me. This isn't-" Cody defended but he abruptly stopped, going into another, deeper trance. "Se li uomini sapessino le cagioni della paura mia, capir potrebbero il mio dolor."

Paper started to curl, and I could see the table bend as he lifted his arms. Pete pushed Myka away and I rushed to the door, Cody was already being taken away by the officers.

"Well that was scary." Pete said, and I look at the two, worried.

"You guys okay?" I asked, and they nodded. I help them up and we get out of the interview room after collecting their papers and recorder, when they get out, they get their hand guns from the desk, I see Cody with an older woman, most likely a lawyer.

"Can you come this way, son?" An officer says and takes Cody somewhere, the woman watches him then walks over to my two 'pupils'.

"Hello, I'm Lorna Soliday. I'm Cody's lawyer." She introduced, I was correct.

"And did Travis call you?" Lattimer asked, referring to the sheriff.

"Sheriff Travis respects the law, and he doesn't like being railroaded by federal agents." Soliday stated.

"Are you that hands-on with all your clients?" Myka questioned, with no chill, at all.

"Just my godson." She explained.

"So, you knew his parents." Lattimer assumed.

"Very well. And neither Cody nor I will be answering any more questions - until I know what this is about." Soliday told the two.

"We're interested in Cody's behaviour." Lattimer said.

"His violent behaviour." Myka said, again, no chill.

"As in, where's it coming from?" Pete concluded.

"What is this? Someone pegged him as a threat to the President?" The lawyer asked, appalled by the rapid-fire questions.

"Not yet." Myka said.

"Not ever. That's not Cody." She said, shutting Myka's assumption down.

"It was Cody that just destroyed that table." Pete frowned, motioning to the interrogation room.

"Not to mention what he did to his girlfriend." Myka added.

"Does the secret service investigate every case of battery among college students?" She asked, bewildered.

"Nope. Just this one." Lattimer stated. "So, where'd the Italian come in?"

"What do you mean?" Soliday questioned, slightly confused.

"He spoke Italian in there, just before he decided that the interview was over." Lattimer explained and she shrugged.

"I don't know anything about that." She claimed.

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