the beginning

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it was a great sunny day I didn't notice at first but it wasn't for some reason "something feels strange but I don't know what" I went off to the Wood's then some thing amazing happen skythekidrs was in minecraft I don't think he was doing a video at the moment so I went up to him we talked a while then he asked me "are you part of the sky army" I said "of course I am" then out of no were he tells me to follow him of course I did he told me he was taking me to a secret place were the sky army lives sooner or later we got there it was made out of entirely of budder it was awesome we went in and I saw all the famous people that play with sky they all ask me my name I told them my name is soul they asked me if I wanted to join the squad "what squad" I asked they told me all about the secret squad they formed to fight against the squids I joined them to no surprise a few years went by I left the squad I told them I would be back again one day I moved to the mountain biome then I saw a girl with long purple hair wearing a Komodo and a katana I was going to go over there but I didn't she might be a treat so I didn't.

after a while we finally talked and we became awesome friends her name was saeko soon we we both went on a walk and later she found a note it was from deadloxs I said something about him m being kidnapped by squid's he wanted sky to help him I guess it landed here by a mistake she asked me if we should save him I said of course so we geared up with budder armor and budder weapons we both grabbed a bow and arrows just in case we were just about to go out and find him but just at the last second sky popped out of no were we talked a little he told us to follow him so we did he took us to his house it was awesome we went in he told us to wait here he had to gear up first we waited it felt like year finally came back with a surprise of his friend like munching brotato , husky , fluffy etc. they all were geared up which is good because if I had to wait another minute I was going to explode after awhile we all headed to save deadloxs we had to build a squid dimension we did so we went in we saw deadloxs he told us it was a trap before we could ask why a army of squids popped out of no were we all knew that we had to fight to get to deadloxs then Mitch ran in like crazy saeko said no wait we all ran after him we are doom

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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