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Around all this happening , she felt like she was losing her mind. She was having panic attacks, migraines, even terrified of her own shadow.But she stood strong . She followed the path ; The further she walked , the more she remember the place .
The place wasn't a scary pathway anymore . She reached a safe town . There were a lot of shops and houses, but one house seems familiar to her . She walked towards it .
She knocked the door,
"Bella ? "
She wakes from her bed , but something just felt really off. She started looking around . Sitting in her chair was her mom and she was staring right at "Bella" .
" Mommy ? , What happened?"
As she never acknowledged that she spoken to her , the lady left the room as she was in an urge .
Her tongue got tightened. Puzzled. She started sweating.
Nothing felt safe for her . She washed her face . Looked her mirror image for a sec.
"Mommy ? Mommy ?"
She heard her exact voice from the room . A hand held from her behind.
Her mom kept her mum . There's someone else in the room her Mommy said .

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