He Cheats On You (part 2)

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Y/F/N opened the door "Oh hi Y/N, wait, what happened to you? Why are you crying?" "H-he cheated on m-me Y/F/N" you gave out a loud sob. "Oh Y/N, I told you Harry was trouble come in Y/N". You stayed with Y/F/N.

His P.O.V

I couldn't believe I did that. How could I be so stupidly dumb? I didn't know what had got into me,  but whatever it was it made me lose the love of my life. I knew that there was 1 outta 10000 chances that I could get Y/N but at least I had to try.

You P.O.V

You went back to your old house to live again. Your first day at your house had been a hell, the only thing you would do is cry and cry and cry. The next day you were a bit better, but still sad. You heard the beep of a truck outside your house and you saw nearly all the road of your house was covered in white roses, a truck filled with gifts, and a large sign saying "FORGIVE ME FOR BEING SUCH A BIG ASSHOLE" and Harry was kneeling holding a red rose, and what could you do? Nothing but forgive him "Harry! stand up!" you shouted. "Nope, not till you forgive me and take me back" "Ok I forgive you but stand up and come here" he went to you a pulled you in into a long, tight, warm hug and whispered "Thank you so much babe, promise it will never happen again." You nodded and went back to your home with Harry.

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