Chapter ONE

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Kidnapped & Sold

ALL SHE KNOWS WAS THAT SHE WAS IN A MOVING VEHICLE due to the fact she could feel the movement of the wheels on the road. Her feet and hands were tied together, she was also blindfolded and gagged. There was no way that she could get away even if she tried. She knows that this meant that she would be sold into slavery, and will live for years in torture, but she's praying that maybe her new Vampire Master would be somewhat merciful. So, knowing that she will be put through so much pain that the entire only thing that truly scared her was the vampire, the vampire that would purchase her.

She couldn't tell how long they were driving but all she knows was that it had to be on the other side of town, as she was thinking about it, the vehicle came to a stop. She heard the passenger door open, then heard capture on the phone, "Yes, please let your Master know that I have arrived."

A moment later, the van side door opened, she was then pulled out by her hair and pulled up right onto her feet. Her captured, grab her roughly by her left arm, and pulled her along behind him. She couldn't see where she was stepping and continued to trip.

"Oh god, come on," he yelled out at her, and then she felt a hard tug as her capture pulled off the blindfold. The sun blinked at her; she blinked a few times just trying to get her eyes to focus. She looked before her seeing a large, lovely castle, which would now be her prison. Where a vampire waited for her, she captured pulled her as they reached the door, and shoved him inside so hard that she fell to the floor on her knees in front of her new Master. He looked down at her for a moment, then a hand grabbed a large amount of her hair and pulled her upwards until she was back up on her feet.

"Good afternoon, Sir," she heard her capture speak to the vampire, "How much could I receive payment for this young lady?"

"Well, well," he began to say, "She's very beautiful indeed, a nice figure not too thin but has just a little meant on her, which is something wonderful." Suddenly he was at her neck, sniffing her, "Mmmmm, she even smells sweet like wine."

"Well sir, I do need to know that she's also a witch!" her capture quickly spoke out.

He spoke the words, that she was a witch but not one that practiced the arts. Mostly since she has chosen immortality over being a witch.

"Oh, she will make a wonderful slave for me, so I will give you half a million for this slave," the vampire replied.

"That's very generous of you, Sir. Absolutely wonderful," her capture replied with a smile on his face.

Then the vampire turned to another servant that was standing nearby and handed her off to him, where he started leading her down a long hallway. She hears Sir tell the servant not to bother untying her hand or anything so that he could have some enjoyment with her after he paid the capture his money.

She began to feel this fear come over her and she know that at any moment her life would never be the same again, that she will never be the same person she was before this has happened to her. In just one afternoon her life has been taken from her and she would now be a slave to someone who doesn't know anything about her and that would take her last breath out of her one day. But she knows that no matter what this couldn't be the worst thing that has happened in her life, cause the worst thing was her father doing all the worst things to her when she was younger.

She was taken out from that thought when the servant threw her into a room, where she felt an ugly pull to her left ankle, making this pain shot up her leg and making her let out a small cry of pain. She falls upon the floor, and she stayed there for a moment before she pulled herself up to be able to sit up into a sitting position so that she could examine her ankle. She knows that she wouldn't be able to heal herself since the silver around her hands would stop her from doing so.

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