A note from I

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Wassuh luv's!!

Cassie pov.

As you all may know, this story is being written by two, Agent_Duck, and co-writer, Stephanie Lewis0.

I just got word, from the grape vine of course, that Agent_Duck finna get a new character.

But wait, theres more!

Not only will there be a be character, but you all will find out who "Cassie", Agent_Duck's character, and "Steph", Stephanie Lewis' character, neighbor is.

Sooner or later, there will be a cast call, hopefully.

Comment below on who yall think the neighbor is, and who the new character will be.

There will be no updating if there aren't any comments!!!!

I'm finna leave cause G's ass over here bothering me so... Stick around til then.

Later Luvs!


Ps: there will be a character talk to, somewhere down the line😒. I already told yall too much🙊, Agent_Duck nd Stephanie Lewis0 finna kill me so imma jus go rite quick. Inbox me😁✌️, if im not already dead😵💀👻!

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