"Hey wait!" Thalia's voice yelled as I marched inside. A pale hand grabbed my shoulder and I turned to look into the face of my younger cousin.

Nico tilted his head up slightly to look under the darkness of my hood, possibly trying to see my face, "You are a son of water god, perhaps, Poseidon?" he asked. I hesitated, but then realized I could not hide it.

"Yes, I am," I told them in an even tone. Thalia leaned forward.

"Are you from...America?" she asked and I sighed. I looked at Beta and Alpha, panic clear on my face.

"We all were from Earth at one point," Alpha told them briefly and they all looked at each other, then back at him. "As for the last time we were here and where we are from, we will not reveal." They all slumped, Annabeth the most.

I don't know what made me say it. If I was able to, I would've blamed Chalice, but she didn't say anything, not like usual. She was oddly quiet.

I decided, "He has forgiven you," I blurted to Annabeth, Jason, Piper and Leo. They all looked up, like everyone. Alpha stared at me with disbelief, his face saying a simple, Are you serious?

The six, Nico, Thalia and Clarisse all straightened up. "Thank you." Annabeth breathed out a sigh of relief before bowing and they all left. Zeta turned to me.

"Don't you think it's a little dangerous to tell that yo-he has forgiven them? It might make them more...motivated to find him." She said and Alpha nodded.

"I know that you are worried about them finding Perseus, but we need not worry. They will not find out." I insisted. Gamma raised his hand and I nodded to him.

"What if they do find out?" He asked.

My expression steeled. "Then I will tell them that Perseus is lost." They gave me a confused look. I sighed, "I am Epsilon now and I will always be Epsilon. Perseus has been lost since four hundred years ago, he will be dormant for a couple more hundred years." Alpha nodded once, but Zeta still didn't look satisfied. I looked at Beta and she nodded slightly.

"We should practice our sword fighting. We have not been training as often as we should," she said and they nodded. I thanked her for taking their attention. We all checked to make sure we had our weapons and walked towards the arena in comfortable silence.

We spared for hours until a conch sounded in the distance. Alpha and I shared a look before following the rest to the top of the hill. They all stood there in horror as two of the mechanical bulls that I fought oh so long ago, smashed against the barrier, weakening it so that they could get through. Demigods ran towards us and pulled out their weapons before looking at the large army of monsters.

Zeta clenched her fists and her bracelet started to expand into a long bow. A quiver then started to weave itself around her upper body and arrows appeared. Beta's bow and quiver did the same. Alpha threw something in the air and caught it and it then turned itself into a black scythe. Delta just took her sword and it split into two. Gamma created fire and it then turned into a hammer and sword. I stretched out my hand and called some water from the air to me, that then hardened into a sword.

Alpha looked at me and I nodded. We advanced, the demigods right behind us. Hack, slash, swing, block. The series went on and on until all of the monsters were gone. I looked around at all of the golden dust, letting out a small sigh and then heard a small chuckle from behind me.

It was a battle that I need to blow off some steam, but the being that was controlling it just made me angry all over again. I still can't believe a word he says. I won't.

"Well, that was very nice entertainment," a smooth voice said, amusement clear in his voice. My eyes widened and I turned to the person talking. A man in a black and purple suit floated above the ground. His skin a pale color, like he was a corpse. His eyes glowed a bright purple, his chest wasn't moving and he had a psychotic smile on his face.

"What are you doing here?" I growled. Demigods stopped and gathered around, though gave us a lot of space. My team ran up to the front, but Alpha kept them from running out and attacking the old enemy of mine.

He stopped smirking and frowned, "Well, that isn't a very nice greeting. I was expecting something with a little more pizzazz," he smirked again. I clenched my hands around my swords.

"Why are you here?" I asked and he landed and walked up to me. He just stood there, barely a foot away. I could get rid of him right now, but I needed to know why he was here. He never visited me before without a good reason.

He smirked and tilted his head, before giving me a full blown smile, showing me his sharp, shark like teeth. "Remember that little fire demon you used to travel with?"

I narrowed my eyes and tilted my head up slightly. "Yeah, why?"

"Well, you may know about her little old cousin, but what you didn't know," he let out a little laugh, "Is that she worked for me."

"That's impossible," I spat and clenched my hand.

"I'm the master of impossible. Didn't you know that, you have seen my work many times, Epsilon," Omega let out a bark of laughter, making the crowd ripple with uneasiness.

"Who are you?" Shawn questioned and my eye twitch. Idiot.

"Shut-up sea spawn!" Omega ordered. Shawn's face became outraged and I stepped forward.

"Back to business. What does she have to do with this?" I asked and Alpha discreetly pointed at Annabeth, I shook my head. Now my team was even more confused. Everyone was wondering, who was this she I was talk about?

"She is the whole point of all of this. Get it through your head," he said and I clenched my jaw. "The world will be Kronos' and you will not be able to stop it." He pointed at us and a new army of monsters charged forward. I narrowed my eyes and readied my weapon, as did the others.

The Satyrs and nymphs used the plants to try and stop some of the monsters. The demigods were hacking and slashing as they weaved through the sea of monsters. Me and my team pushed into the monster's main force and started to kill them quickly, but more kept coming.

Omega smirked before coming towards me with a sword, swinging it in a deadly arc. Our swords clashed together. We moved as fast a lightning, others only were able to see us if they expected our next move. We slowed down, circling each other slowly, the battle around us stopped momentarily. I got into a firm stance as he ran towards me. Our swords made a loud clash and it echoed around the hill, a shock wave running away like a dog with it's tail between it's legs.

I disarmed Omega and he backed up a bit. I put my swords' points to his throat, he gulped, then smiled. I furrowed my brow and then felt a searing pain. The yelling of the E-team could be heard for perhaps miles and some of the demigods joined in. I saw many trying to get to me, only to be pushed back roughly. He smiled and knocked my swords out of my hand. He went over and grabbed an ax.

"Such fine weapons, these are," he said and ran his finger over the blade. It shimmered in the sunlight and I looked down at the spear. Getting an idea after seeing the point of the spear, I grabbed it right under the head, knowing he would only be swooning at the shape blade for a moment, I had to hurry. I started to pull and flinched. It made a sticky sound as it came out and I winced.

I shuddered as the end came out and I threw it away. I called Riptide and held it steadily to his neck as adrenaline ran through my veins. "I would leave if I were you," I hissed. His eyes glowed defiantly, but then he smirked.

"Next time, Eppy, next time," he promised and then disappeared, his monsters with him.

It hurt having a spear through your abdomen, it hurts more pulling it out. I still shiver as it remember the suction like sound, squishy almost. But what hurts the most is that Omega has found me, and I know he is coming for me. Epsilon.

Until Next Time

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