The tv (TS)

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This actually happened to me. I know I might not be that scary but it did give me a fright.
I said good night to my mum and went out to feed my dog and release him. His name is Skippy. I was getting closer to his cage when he started to bark. It wasn't a surprise cause he loves to bark at me but he wasn't barking at me, he was barking at something behind me. I was a little bit scared so I looked behind. All I saw was the rabbit's cage and the store. I sighed and fed him.
I went back in and started to watch a documentary about killers cause am a horror fan. Suddenly the light went off. At my age, I was terrified, like terribly afraid of the dark so I made my way to my room to get my phone. I sat on my bed and waited for the gen to be switched on. I felt a heaviness around me. It wasn't on my chest, it was just all around me. I heard whispering and my ears felt so heavy. I ignored it cause my ears ring a lot and Skippy was outside so he might be causing it.
So, the light came back on and went to the living room to watch some tv. The tv then flickered, it was really strange cause it doesn't do that. Then I heard it, a whisper in my ear. It told me something bad would happen, leave. I ignored it cause I know I have a hyper active imagination. Deep down i knew something would happen but I said it wouldn't be enough to scare me. I regretted it.
It started to load, load, load until.....
The loudest shriek have ever heard came from the tv. I almost screamed. the tv was showing various images so fast that I couldn't even see any. I jumped from my seat and ran to the door of my parents room. I felt like going in but I changed my mind. The tv went back to normal but it was still loud. I went to check what was wrong and I saw that the volume was at 100. no one puts it at 100 and I was the only one there. It scared me almost to death but i said I was going to watch tv. I stayed till 2 and went to bed.
Till now I watch tv till Around 12 cause I can't risk that and have stopped watching it in that living room.
If you have your own true scary story, you can send it to me. The best one would get a shout out from me .

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