#1. How you meet

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You met on the bus. You were temporary on crutches, since you twisted your ankle pretty bad. When you entered the bus, he saw you and immediately offered you his seat. You talked the whole bus ride, and in the end, he got your number. About 30 seconds after he got off the bus, you got a text. "It was nice meeting you today. Wanna do it again? Get well soon. Michael xx ;)"



You were walking home from the grocery store with a lot of stuff. You were halfway home when your plastic bag accidentally broke in the handle and all its contents fell out on the street. He saw you and helped you pick your things up. He carried the broken bag all the way to your house, since you had the other bags to carry. Outside your house he asked if you wanted to catch up sometime. You gave him your number and he called you the next day.


"Um, excuse me, miss", you heard. "You dropped this.."

You turned around and got lost in a pair of blue eyes. And you could tell he got lost in yours. In front of you was a tall beautiful boy, with a piercing in his lip. After a while he cleared his throat and looked down.

"You dropped this", he said and showed you your wallet.

"Oh my god.." you said. "Thank you so much! How could I ever thank you?"

A smile spread on his face.

"How about a coffee some time?" he said. You smiled back and exchanged numbers.


You had been at the club with your friends. As usual, they were so drunk they could barely walk, and you hadn't drunk anything at all. After a few hours of sitting alone in the bar with a glass of coke while your friends were out on the dance floor, you had to go to the bathroom. You walked on the side of the dance floor, but somehow you managed to trip. How embarrassing. Luckily, a pair of strong arms got hold of you before you hit the floor. You looked up to see a really cute guy with dimples. He smiled at you.

"Is it just me, or did you just fall for me?" he asked cheekily and helped you on your feet. You laughed, and gave in when he asked for your number.

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