1:The Birth

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The sky was gloomy,the clouds were heavy.Rain soon began to fall.Deep down the castle walls,in the king's secret chambers,the queen was about to deliver.King Tyson was worried.He was not sure if his wife was going to give birth to a male son as he had expected.But he made up his mind that whatever the sex of the child maybe,he would still love the child as a father ought to.The queen was already weak.She beckoned for the king.King Tyson came and stood by her bed side.Anxiety and fear were written all over his face.The queen then told him that if she died and is not able  to take care of their child,the king should promise that he would love the child just the way he loved her.
"I promise I will take care of our child but please you can't leave me now"said the king

  The king immediately called on his faithful servant Agravid and told him to ride to the North Eastern part of Caponia. 
"When you get there,summon the renowned wizard Peribus and tell him  that the king needs him urgently in the palace "
"Yes sir"Agravid bowed and left
   Few hours later,Agravid came in with the renowned wizard'Peribus'.Immediately Peribus saw the queen he bowed and said:
"This child will fufill the words of the Oracle.This child will unite both kingdoms and restore peace and balance back to the world".
Agravid brought out some leave and made a concortion.He gave it to the queen to drink.Few minutes later,the queen  delivered a baby girl.The queen named the child 'Kayana' meaning 'chosen by the Oracle'.She muttered sind words and died.The next morning,the whole Kingdom of Felvito  was thrown into mourning for 15 days after which Queen Teresa was buried.
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