Food Hacks! #1: It's just the beginning, people!

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                         1. Freeze flavored water in an ice cube tray and then plop it into another drink for a little bit of extra flavor!

        2. For easy cookies bowls, just place a muffin pan upside down, and then fit the cookie dough around the pan. Bake and then, viola! You have the perfect bowl for some delicious ice cream!

                3. Want cookie and cream coffee on hand? Just crumble up some Oreos into an ice cube tray along with some milk, freeze for 4-6 hours. Then just plop them into some of your coffee, and you now can put this on your Starbucks resume!

                     4. Add skittle or other flavored hard candy (and mints!) to your tea for a little added flavor!

                              5. Have a cut that just wont heal fast enough? Just put the inside of a banana peel on the bruise, wart, or scrape, and the banana peel will help it heal faster!

     OK! That's all for now, but there wil be a part 2, and 3, and 4, and so on. Wow. I sound like Oprah. 'You get a car! YOU get a car!' OK I'm done now.

PEACE! ~Kethcup

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