BNHA OC Description Content Guide

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Full Name: (Y/C Name)

Hero Name: (Y/C Hero Name)

Alias: (optional)

Birthday: (Month/Day)

Age: (00)

Gender: (Male/Female/Other)

Height: (0'0")

Hair Color: (--)

Eye Color: (--)

Blood Type: (optional)

Quirk: (Y/C Quirk)

Status: (Alive/Dead/Undead/Unknown)

Family: (Y/C Relatives/Unknown)

Occupation: (--)

Affiliation: (School/Group/Company)

(Y/C Name) also known as (optional) (alias) or (Y/C Hero Name) (hero name) is fanmade (hero/villain) of My Hero Academia.

Write Y/C's brief description including the remarkable events in his/her life.

Write Y/C's physical description, notable features, hero/villain costume details together with his/her body equipment (include different styles at different occasions too). If there's a scar or burn, write down how he/she got it and describe the location.

Write Y/C's personality and usual expression. Include Y/C's interests and facts that makes them unique. You can also add some back story if you want.

(Y/C's Quirk): Describe everything about this quirk.
(Y/C's quirk techniques): Describe the technique. You can add as many as you can.

(Y/C's Ability): Describe Y/C's ability other than his/her quirk. This could be a talent or skill. You can add as many as you want to.

(Y/C's Equipment): Describe how he/she got it and explain its use and how it is used. You can add as many as you'd like.

✔QUOTES (optional)
"Your character's quote/s."

Write an interesting fact about your character. You can add as many as you would like.

Just a side note. I based this guide from Izuku Midoriya's wikia page. I have no intentions of owning it. This is created to guide other fans having trouble making their own. I hope I helped. 😇 If you want a copy of this, just ask me.

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