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I remember when my friends would talk about this website at school,

and I remember when they introduced me to it,

and I remember when they convinced me to sign up, 

that one humanities class, 

on November 11, 2016,

and reading fanfictions all through out every class I could,

staying up late at night,

and I remember all those close calls in class,

quickly closing tabs,

I remember how nervous and excited I was publishing my first story,

and I remember my first bad review,

I remember having to explain to my parents what I was reading,

because I wasn't talking to them as much,

and I remember accidentally discovering those dirty fanfictions,

and I remember getting into Naruto,

and I remember discovering what a one shot is,

I remember that one science class, 

reading and clearing my history because oh my goodness I figured out what a lemon is and no,

and I remember changing my username,

the first time,

the second time,

the third time,

the fourth time,

the fifth time,

and I remember following and unfollowing people,

I remember gaining followers,

the excitement and happiness that followed,

and I remember writing more and more stories,

clicking the new story button,

publishing about half of my ideas,

I remember not too long ago creating my account

and I remember looking back at my old work,


I remember editing everything,

and writing author's notes,

I remember creating reading lists, 

and deciding to leave Wattpad. 

Here I say my final goodbye to Wattpad. 

Thank you for memories galore and great stories. 

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