Chapter 2- the first week

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Alice grace & harry & third person omniscient pov

"So how's everything with your princ-" Monique swatted Juliet's arm looking around to make sure there were no eyes drawn to the "bloody hell women do you have to be so loud" Monique glared rolling her eyes Alice answered" everything has been going well with Harry, he's not mine were just talking you know" Monique and Juliet rolled their eyes at my words"sure, sure but wasn't it him who asked you on a date last night?" Monique pipped in "he asked you on a date!?" Juliet squealed loudly "he did I heard the whole thing," Monique said talking over you "why didn't you tell me this is definitely something that I should've known I'm your best friend" Juliet whined "because I know you-you wouldn't be able to keep it to yourself, and Monique stop glaring at her your both my best friends " sighing she nodded while Juliet pouted looking away as a child.

"It's not a date it's a friend asking another friend to have a drink" I insisted " hmm, sure and what do you plan on wearing for this friendly meet up" making quotation marks with her fingers she gestured for me to answer "I Don't know a nice dress or something" gasping Juliet and Monique shook their heads " you will not wear just something on a date with a prince" Monique exclaimed "we won't allow it" they said in unison.

-time skip-

Two days later Alice's bedroom-

"No, I won't wear that it's slutty" I protested "slutty? More like sexy, he'll love it" Juliet chimed "oh Harry! so inappropriate what will I ever do!" Monique imitated pulling Juliet into her arms rolling my eyes I told them" we're not going to have sex it's only our first date" oblivious to their stares I continued looking at my phone " oh Alice, I knew it was a date" the two jumped onto my bed.

Realization flooded me as I realized what I had said"it's not a- it can't be a... It's a date" they looked at me matching grins on their faces " do you like him, Alice?" Juliet asked I thought about it I did like him he was sweet and funny and he made me smile, nodding I looked at them " is that bad?" My voice quivered as I spoke " no of course not sweetie, it's cute you like him it's just.......becareful you two live in different worlds and I don't want you to get hurt"Monique spoke" Monique!?... Ignore her it doesn't matter you both like each other and whatever happens, happens" Juliet hissed at Monique cradling me closer " I'm not saying it to be mean I'm telling her the truth just because Harry likes her doesn't mean everyone will" she insisted nodding I looks at Juliet " she's right, being with him is different than being with some guy" my agreeing with her caused Monique to admit "I know I'm not dumb of course I know its just how are you going to deal with that Alice?" Shrugging my shoulders I got up "I don't know but today isn't the day to decide that it's our first date it's not as if he asked me to marry him" pulling out a dress from my wardrobe ( one from image above)I turned to show them " how's this"I pushed it against my body the two nodded "that's the one" "definitely" Monique agreed.

Pushing me into a chair they started styling my hair and doing my makeup" doesn't she look beautiful" Juliet spoke smiling Monique answered "she does" smiling at them through the mirror I stood "do you think he'll like it, I mean we only talked for a few minutes. And He doesn't even know what I look like drunk or when I'm eating-" my voice was cut off as the doorbell rang the three of us looked at each other before simultaneously dashing for the door I pulled it open the two stopping behind me all gasping. Smiling he held up flowers " I brought these for you" his head tilted staring at us incredulously" oh how wonderful, we'll take that did you see Juliet he brought her flowers" Monique snatched them from his hands dragging Juliet away. The two stared at her friends "they mean well I promise" she cleared her throat nodding he gave her his arm "follow me" nodding she intertwined their arms, as they walked away she turned glaring at her giggling her friends who squeaked when they got caught slamming the door hurriedly quite loudly.

" they seem fun " Harry chimed as helped her into the car "they are" she admitted Harry watched her stop for a moment at the sight of the two men in the front " who are?" He answered her question quickly " those are my bodyguards Arthur and John, do you mind they kind of have to follow me around everywhere" he was nervous this was normally the end of the date once they realized he came with an entire entourage " as long as they don't stand to close I don't see the problem" she spoke grinning teasingly a small grin was on Arthur face and John rolled his eyes." Oh, you can rest assured I won't allow anyone near you" he smirked Harry was happy that she didn't run away like the others in the past.

-time skip-

"When you invited me I assumed we were going to a bar" Alice gulped starting at the fancy surrounding they were escorted to a private room upstairs " as much as I love that you enjoy drinking I thought it would be better to have a nice dinner first before all of that" Harry spoke pulling out her chair she chuckled sitting down "how gentlemanly of you" Harry smiled enjoying their banter " of course I do have some manners you know" wiggling his eyebrows causing her to laugh "and this is much more private I wanted to have your sole attention for a couple of hours" a waiter came by pouring wine into their glasses before leaving " you sure know how to make a girl swoon" Alice said taking a drink" I hope you don't think I'm just trying to get into your pants I'd really like if this could happen again" Harry confessed "well with the way this date is currently going I'd say that will definitely be happening soon" she assured him he exhaled the tension leaving his body " so who are you alice?" Harry said looking at her "hmm, my full name is Alice Grace Thompson I'm 22 years old, I was born on September 16th" Harry's eyes widened "really!? I was born on September 15th" he exclaimed surprised "is this fate Harry?" She joked not noticing the way he looked at her " tell me more I want to know more about you" grabbing her hand that laid on the table looking at him she nodded clearing her throat." My favorite color is yellow, my favorite food is pasta and my favorite animal is a horse what about you?" Digesting the information he was quick to answer" my birthday is September 15th, I'm 25 and my full name is Henry Charles Albert David, my favorite food is Caramel Banana Cake and my favorite animal is a horse as well" answering the questions with ease " caramel banana cake!?" Alice's face scrunched up at the thought "its good, you have to try it" he spoke laughing shaking her head "never if you think I'll ever let you convince me to eat that your crazy" Alice shook her head dismissing him

-time skip-

"Thank you for this date it was amazing" Alice spoke knocking on her door "can I ask you on another one soon?" Nodding she looked at him, he leaned closer his lips brushing against hers just as they closed their eyes the door Alice was leaning on pulled open causing her to almost fall Harry's arms wrapped around her waist preventing her fall. "I'm so sorry I'll just" Monique slammed the door closed causing the two to laugh " can I try that again," Harry asked "definitely" leaning in reclaimed her lips the dim lights created a cover to hide the identity of the couple.

When Harry left that night both. Had matching grins on their faces that would last both of their friends and family would question their happy moods but the smiles on their faces couldn't be shaken.


Hi, guys, this is the second edited chapter that's out for you tell me if you think I should speed it into the future or continue from the beginning.

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