"They won't let me stay Freya, not after everything I've done... they don't trust me, and I don't blame them. They just see me as... the bad guy," he confessed before he stood up, beginning to walk away. He didn't want Freya to see the tears slipping from his eyes. 

"John?" she called out timidly across the almost empty room. He stopped in his tracks, taking a deep breath and turning reluctantly, revealing his disappointment. 

"Yeah?" he asked. 

"I don't think you're the bad guy." 


Freya only left the drop ship to watch the mushroom cloud of billowing smoke in the distance with everyone else, courtesy of Raven and Jasper. She retreated quickly back into the drop ship, feeling strangely anxious and exhausted, despite that she was no longer symptomatic. When she finally gathered the energy to leave the drop ship again, it was dark. She pushed back the curtains hanging over the entrance to the drop ship and was met with a cheer that made her jump. 

The entirety of camp faced her, holding up cups of what she assumed was alcohol, which she was eager to get her hands on. The warm, inviting bonfire sparkled in the centre of camp. Freya laughed in surprise.

"What is this?" Freya asked as she approached the crowd, standing next to Jasper, who handed her a cup. She took a long swig from it. It wasn't whiskey, but it was still what she needed. 

"Your welcome back party," Jasper responded, slinging an arm over her shoulders. Freya looked up at him in surprise. 

"You did this?" she asked in surprise. Jasper nodded. 

"You were missed," Jasper explained before disappearing into the dispersed crowd. Freya's blue eyes scanned the crowd, looking for a familiar pair of green eyes, but Murphy was nowhere to be seen. Freya frowned, but she knew this wasn't really his scene. Instead, Freya was approached by Clarke, who looked much healthier now. 

"Is this a good idea? The bomb at the bridge won't delay the grounders for long," Freya worried, looking at Clarke, who shrugged. 

"That's what I said, but Jasper and Luna wouldn't take no for an answer," Clarke replied, an amused smile pulling on her lips. Freya laughed and the duo watched their people dance to no music and laugh. "You were wrong earlier, by the way," Clarke told her. Freya glanced at her with a tilted head. 

"What are you talking about?" she asked. Clarke sighed and looked at her. 

"Look, I don't know what happened to you when you were with the grounders, but you'll always be that girl, the Queen Bee. You'll always be Freya Moore, you will always inspire people," Clarke told her, offering a kind smile that Freya mirrored. She looked at the crowd of delinquents and could feel herself believing it too. Her return had managed to bring light and laughter back into their lives, after all they had been through. She nodded slowly. 

"I thought you were asleep," Freya admitted to Clarke sheepishly. Clarke merely responded with a playful wink before she disappeared into the crowd. 

Freya took another sip of her drink, finishing it. She removed the cup from her lips and her eyes landed on Bellamy Blake's tuft of curly hair across the camp. She felt her usual confidence fill her chest and slammed the cup down on a crate standing tall next to the drop ship. She pushed her way through the crowd over to Bellamy. He was leaning against the towering fence that surrounded their camp, slowly sipping from his cup of moonshine. 

"We need to talk about Murphy," Freya stated, crossing her arms and drawing Bellamy's attention. Bellamy sighed. 

"The conditions were clear when we banished him Freya, he has to leave," he argued. Freya narrowed her icy blue eyes at him. 

"He's staying," she told him, her tone clipped. 

"Freya he's-" Bellamy started, clearly irritated. Freya stepped towards him so that she was face to face with him, or face to neck. 

"I wasn't asking," Freya snapped before she snatched the metal cup out of his hand, downing the rest it's contents in one swig. She shoved the cup into Bellamy's chest before she turned on her heel, strutting through the crowd with an accomplished smirk on her face. 

Freya finally found Murphy around the side of the drop ship, where they had slept the night before he was hung and banished. His knees were pressed to his chest as he stared up at the night sky. Freya approached him, slowly lowering herself onto the ground beside him. 

"I thought I might find you here," she teased, nudging him in the side. Murphy forced a weak smile and Freya faked a disappointed sigh. "So I talked to Bellamy..." she trailed off. 

Murphy pursed his lips, avoiding her gaze. "I guess I should start packing?" 

Freya smiled and nudged him in the side again. "Now, now, do you really think I would let you go that easy?" she teased. Murphy's gaze snapped to hers, taking in the playful spark in her eyes and the smile she was trying to hide. He rose his eyebrows in surprise. 

"I can stay?" he asked in disbelief. Freya nodded, laughing lightly, which caused Murphy to laugh breathlessly too. "How did you manage to get him to agree to that?" he asked. 

Freya shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm Freya Moore," she explained with a playful smirk. 

Murphy laughed loudly and stared at her longingly. He had almost lost her today, and he had never been so scared in his life. He remembered watching her follow her mother around the hospital when he was sick as a kid, and he thought she was beautiful even then. But she was nothing compared to the strong, intelligent, kind, brave, confident woman in front of him. 

He tore his eyes away from her, gazing up at the night sky again, the stars twinkling like diamonds against the dark blanket of the sky. 

The stars had nothing on Freya Moore. 


Freya Moore is so loved you guys and she deserves it she deserves the world 

there is only six chapters left guys! any predictions for what will happen?

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