Meeting Them

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yO, it's the Writer here! Just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be (trying) to write the reader in as gender-neutral, mainly because of the possibility of certain characters being LGBT+

Also, sorry if the characters are a little OOC, this is like my first time writing in forever

Anyway, ENJOY!!!

Warnings: Swearing


"I was gonna say getting stoned in my basemen-"

"No, I meant look who's signing up for the play!" Jeremy corrected his friend. "Christine~" He said in a sing-song tone.

His friend sang along, clearly teasing the boy.

You smiled a little, watching the two joke around with each other.

"Yo, (Y/N)! Check out tall-ass!" Your brother elbowed you, pulling you from your trance. Looking up, you saw Jeremy walking slowly towards the sign-up sheet for the play, muttering something to himself. "C'mon guys!" Rich hurried the table, the bell was going to ring soon anyways. You followed the group, hearing your brother from your spot near the back. "GAAAAAAAAAAY!" He yelled, laughter immediately following from the clique. Biting your lip, you contemplated your next move as the group began to leave the cafeteria.

"Uh, hey." Jeremy looked up from the floor, standing up from the wall he was leaning on. "May I?" You glanced at the sheet.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry 'bout that." His voice trailed off.

You felt his gaze on you as you scribbled your name onto the sheet, before quickly heading to your science class. You heard the chuckling of "sweater boy" as he teased Jeremy, who was trying to shut him up.

Afterschool, you head over to the auditorium for rehearsal.

Walking in, you saw the students sitting in the cushioned seats in the audience. You found an empty seat in the fifth row, only realizing after sitting down that you had sat down next to Jeremy, who was more caught up in staring at Christine than paying attention to Mr. Reyes explain the play and how auditions for parts was at the next rehearsal.

Sighing, you sat through the hour-long session before Mr. Reyes finally passed out the scripts, dismissing the group.

As you walked outside, you noticed Rich had texted: multiple times.


'where are you?'

'fucking answer me'

'goddamnit (Y/N)'

'dads gonna kill me if you dont get home soon'

Groaning, you answered him, telling him you would be home soon.

'At school'

'I'll be home in 15'

Shoving your phone in your pocket, you mumbled complaints about how overprotective your brother was sometimes.

"You good?" Turning around, you saw "sweater boy" pulling his headphones off, Jeremy trailing behind, checking his phone.

"Uh, I'm fine." You laughed nervously: you had no ride home and told Rich you'd be back in 15 minutes. Just as the two where about to walk away, you grabbed at the tan boy's jacket, startling him. "Actually, uh, is there any way you could give me a ride home?" You scratched your neck nervously.

He looked over at Jeremy, a smile forming on his face. "Totally." He held out a hand as you three began to walk towards the PT Cruiser. "Michael." He introduced.

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