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There where people everywhere, and police questioning everyone they could see then finally they came over to Yoongi whom stood speechless. Although that was nothing new for Yoongi, he hasn't spoken a word to anyone since he was five. Yoongi is 17 now, and it isn't that he can't talk, but he feels no reason to.
The cops were asking Yoongi about where he had been the day before when the panic alarms at the school had gone off. The school they were talking about was Seoul University where Yoongi was in his 2nd year.
"Kid we're talking to you, don't just stand there," harped the office almost growling.
"He was with me at the coffee shop," said some kid that Yoongi didn't know but assumed was his age.
The office grunted clearly not impressed but said whatever and moved on to the next kid.
"Hey, I'm Hoseok I'm new here," said the boy who had kindly spoken for Yoongi.
Yoongi stood there with a slight smile and stuck his hand out for Hoseok to shake. Hoseok took his hand and shook it "Jee you sure don't talk much do you," He laughed.
Yoongi shrugged and pulled out his phone and started typing. When he finished he held it out for Hoseok to read, on the screen Hoseok reads thank you for the help do you go to this school.
"I will, I just transferred here with my mom I was going to find my classes but then I saw that the police were here, what happened anyways?" Responded Hoseok slightly confused.
Yoongi started typing again. Then turned the phone around for Hoseok to read that the school had a gas leak or something like that and that everyone was in a panic the day before and that's why the police were there.
"Oh I see well anyways nice meeting you see you at school," waves Hoseok with a friendly smile. Yoongi waves back but isn't sure if he was seen

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