Chapter 2 - Cordelia

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So, it's Friday night, I must be up to something exciting right? No, I just finished 4 night shifts at the hospital and slept all day. I'm so tired I know I'll sleep tonight too, but first things first take Maximus for a walk. I've got my sexy outfit on tonight ladies, baggy jeans, a t-shirt a hoodie and my Dr Martens, my hair is tied back but the long black locks are so wild they are doing whatever they want. My skin is pale from lack of sleep and sunlight, thank you night shifts, and my blue eyes look tired. I may sound attractive, full of myself much? But actually I'm 5ft9 and my dad always said I had his shoulders. So I'm not exactly little, which men don't seem to find appealing very often.

I always let Max pick where we go on our walks because he's been bored all day while I slept. Normally it's just the park and a few side streets then home. Tonight he felt adventurous, after 30 minutes heading I had no idea where, we ended up heading for the middle of the town.

Max is not the best with people so I wasn't looking forward to this. I spotted a wooded path to my left so I urged Max to take it. Off we went, a whole two minutes later I realised there were no lights on this path, oh joy, thank you fear of the dark. I had my headphones on as I blasted some Slipknot in my ears, an oldie but a goodie. We kept going when Max shot off after what I assume is a cat and as I try to pull him back I fell over a rock on the ground. As I fell I hit my head on the rock, my headphones flew off and as everything around me went even darker the last thing I heard was psychosocial playing away as I blacked out.

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