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A/N: This is the first part and I'm really excited about this story!! I will post this time everyday (except if I'm busy) so enjoy!

Chapter one:
I walked out of my apartment ready for school. I was wearing my usual outfit, a skirt with a tucked in blouse and a pair of high heels of course. I hopped into my car and drove to Archie's house. When I got there I honked for him to come out. He, as usual, came running out while still putting his jacket on with a apple in his hand. He hopped inside the car and I smiled at him "are you ever going to learn how to be in time?"
"I'm gonna learn that the same day you learn to wear flats in school" he smirked at me and I faked slapped him on his arm. I then turned the engine on and started driving to school. When we got there we were as usual late so we ran out of the car and into the school. Our lockets were really close so right before running to our classes we said goodbye. I then started walking a little bit faster so that I would make it to biology in time. Since everyone were already in class the hallways were empty and I could easily run down the hallways. Archie's first class was math so we would meet up again afterwards in the lounge. I hated biology except when I had it with Archie on Thursdays. Now it was only Monday so I had to sit next to boring people in our school. And in biology I always had to sit next to the boring and know it all Betty Cooper. She always knew the answer to everything and if she didn't she looked it up in the book so that no one would think she was stupid. Sitting next to her was super annoying, I always felt like such an idiot "hey Veronica, how was your weekend?" I looked over at Betty, I had no desire to talk to Betty about my weekend but at the same time, if I was on her good side she would gladly help me with my homework "you know just the usual, hung out with Archie at Pop's. You?"
"Not much, hung out with a few friends and studied a little bit"
"Sounds fun!" she smiled at me and I looked back at the board that was hanging on the wall in the front. Soon our teacher walked in and greeted us. I couldn't wait for biology to be over so that I could get back to hang with my real friends.
After class I walked to the lounge. Archie was already sitting there chatting with Reggie and Jughead "Hey boys, am I interrupting something?"
"No not at all Ronnie, come sit down" I walked over and sat down on one of the couches in between Archie and Jughead. Reggie was sitting on a chair across from us "so Ronnie, did you have fun in bio?"
"Nope, I will not have a fun class in bio as long as I'm sitting next to boring Cooper" they all laughed except Jughead "you know you don't have to be mean to her, she is just trying to fit in and unlike you she can't buy herself friends!"
"Excuse me Jug!" Archie said while standing up so that he could face Jughead "calm down Arch, Jug's right. I don't have to be so mean to her" Archie sat back down and I smiled at Jughead "I know you've had a crush on her forever so what about me giving her a chance and inviting her in to hang out with us?"
"If you would do that for me I'm in!" Jughead said and I could see that he was blushing even though he was looking down at the floor "great! Seven tonight at Pop's?"
"Sounds good!" they all said at the same time "well me and Jughead better be going to class, see you later guys" Reggie and Jughead walked away to class "are you serious with giving Betty a chance?"
"Yes, she can't be that bad and this friend group needs some more girls. Right now it's me with you three boys"
"And are you complaining about that?"
"Nope not at all, I just need someone to talk about boys with"
"You know you can always talk with me Ronnie" I looked at him and smiled. The nickname 'Ronnie' he came up with years ago when we were just kids. It was before we knew how hard life would be when we grew up. Now we were a bunch of 17 year olds just trying to get through life. Our friend group had been me, Archie, Reggie and Jughead for as long as I could remember. I had never had a problem with that until lately. I wanted someone to talk about boys with and even if Archie offered himself it felt weird talking about it with him. Maybe Betty wasn't that bad after all "thank you for the offer, but I still want some girl friends too"
"Of course. You wanna ditch the rest of the day and go to Pop's?"
"Sure" we walked out of school at the same time as the bell rang telling us that our next classes were beginning. I really wasn't the best student but I managed to keep my grades up. Archie on the other hand probably should stop ditching class, he was really failing. But he would still ditch school with me as soon as he got the chance. Everyone always told us that we were both the best and worse thing for each other which was true. I was sorta ruining Archie's focus on school but at the same time everyone said that they had never seen him as happy as he was when he was with me. And he sorta ruined my love life since everyone thought we were dating but at the same time I felt the most happy and alive when I was with him. These were a few of the reasons why a lot of people were wondering why we weren't dating and it was simple, we loved each other as friends and we didn't want to ruin our friendship. I loved Reggie and Jughead too but me and Archie had a special friendship. We had been friends the longest and we would, no doubt in my mind, be friends forever.

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