Ch. 1 - 10 *Code At The End*

Începe de la început

“I won't drop it, I didn't forgive easily, yet I have forgiven her. Yes after she put us through, after everything she put me through, I have no problem with Minx, if you do, than you're a dick. Now, will you drop it Pewds, before she comes back?” Cry asked, silightly aggressive.

“Do you mean If she comes back?” Pewds asked, ignoring Cry's question.

“Yeah. If she comes back...” Cry's voice was ruled by sadness.

They don't need you anymore...

You could kill yourself, no one would miss you...

I grabbed my head, trying to dismiss these thoughts. They still come after a year. After a year of my pain and torture... I really am sorry about what happened! Cry, I'M SO SORRY! I then turned on my mic and re-walked into my room.

“Hey guys..” I say, slightly depressed.

“Hey Minx” Both guys said at exactly the same time.

“Yea?” I ask, tentativly.

“How are you doing?” Cry asked me.

“It depends.. are we playing or not?” I ask.

“Then let's play!” Pewds screamed as we started the game.

Krinx Ch. 1 End

Krinx Ch. 2 Start

“That was a great recording session guys, thank you!” I said into my mic after I ended my recording.

“No problem, I really enjoyed it, thanks for playing with us!” I heard Pewds say.

“Yeah, I agree with Pewds, It was a great recording session, how is your steam group going along?” Cry asked me, of course he would ask this question.

“It's fine, I was actually planning on going on there today. Would you guys like to join me on my epic quest?” I asked them, half joking.

“Sure, I just finished my recording with almost no problems so the only editing I would have to do is just cut up the footage into different parts, so I have some time to waste...” Cry said, kindness in his voice.

“Okay, Pewds, how about you?” I asked very cautiosly.

“Why would I want to have to spend more time with you?” I was shocked, after my shock had passed, I then went and turned back on my recording.

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