Prologue ~ Ginny and Luna

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Meanwhile, at The Burrow, Luna Lovegood awoke to hear her girlfriend screaming.

She sat up in shock, and stared at the - once - redhead, who was holding a strand of her now long, wavy and white blonde hair. Malfoy-esque white blonde. Once Luna sat up, her screaming grew louder.

When a strand of dark brown hair fell in front of her face and a slim, olive hand came up to brush it away, Luna realised why. Her eyes widened, and the two girls quickly raced to the bathroom.

Ginny now was now shorter and had big grey eyes and even paler skin, to go along with her Malfoy hair, making her look like Draco, just shorter and a lot more feminine.

Luna, on the other hand, was taller and had shoulder-length curly dark brown hair that kept falling in front of her big chocolate brown eyes. Her skin was now a light olive colour.

Neither girls' clothes fitted properly anymore. They looked at each other.

"You are Luna, right?" Ginny asked, visibly relaxing when her voice came out as her own.

"Yes, but.... We should probably leave. I, for one, don't want to see how your brothers react to this. I mean, do you really want them to see us like this? They'll probably throw us out." Luna replied, her normally dreamy voice full of seriousness.

Ginny nodded sadly.

"You're right. Where should we go, though?" She asked.

"We could go to Diagon Alley, get a room at The Leaky Cauldron. I'll pay. It'll be fine for us to do what we want, no one will recognise us. We should leave before your family gets home." Luna suggested.

Ginny nodded, and started packing her bags with clothes that would still fit. Luna followed suit. When they were ready, they went downstairs.

"Should we use the floo, or-" Ginny was cut off by the sound of the floo activating, and the fire glowed green.

Luna shook her head frantically and grabbed her girlfriend's wrist.

"Too late. We need to get outside the wards, then I'll apparate us." The two quickly raced outside, and disappeared with a pop as a very confused looking Ron Weasley ran to the open door, followed by Harry, just too late to see the two girls disappearing.

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