"You have made your point,Kaden. Leave." He said tiredly.

Kaden's eyes flashed. "You're a bastard you know that right? What ever did Ella to do you for you to neglect her and the children? And to think you stooped so low to break your wedding vows." Kaden closed his eyes. "God."

"I already know that." He snapped. "Now leave me alone."

"No. I came here to talk some sense into you. And even though I so much feel like killing you right now. Ella needs you."

Pain forgotten, William sat up straight in his chair,wincing when he felt a sharp stab at his right rib.

"W-what happened to Ella?"

"She's in coma."

~     ***     ~

Cassie was just putting Canishia into her car seat by the hospital bed where Ella lay,when the door was flung open. She turned to see Kaden stroll into the room,hazel eyes tired and angry. She gasped when she saw the bandage around his right fist. Pushing to her feet, they met halfway in the room.

"Oh my God,Kaden. What happened to you?" Her hands moved to cradle his injured one between them. "Are you hurt anywhere else."

"No." He shook his head. "But I can't say about a particular someone."

"W..." She started to ask,but trialed off at the sight of William,all battered and bruised.

And when she said all battered and bruised,His face was the perfect definition of it. His nose was slightly bent to the right side. His right eye was beginning to purple at the edges. He had several cuts on his lips,and a bandage was covering his left cheekbone. His jaw was swollen too. And he seemed to be favouring his left rib,limping a bit as he walked into the room. His left eye had a dark ring circle around it. His shirt was untucked and his hair was messy.

He looked for the worse.

Cassie's heart went out to him,but the anger of him neglecting her friend even after he promised not too, held her firmly to one spot.

"What is he doing here?" She narrowed her eyes at him,even though she was asking Kaden.


Cassie shook her head. "Don't talk to me ever again. You went back on your promise to take care of her." Tears filled her eyes. "She loved you more than her own self. But it seems that you don't love her,because if you do. You wouldn't have pushed her away just because she's carrying your baby." Cassie barked out a bitter laugh. "Well, was."

William blanched white,his gaze going to the bed where his wife lay,eyes closed and looking pale. The heart monitor beeped steadily,telling him that she was still alive. But the drip... Christ... It was blood. She was receiving blood.

And did Cassie said was?... That meant... She... The baby...Was...

William choked back a strangled sob. His hand flying up to cover his mouth as tears filled his eyes. "Was?" He needed confirmation.

Cassie glared at him. "You got what you wanted,didn't you?"


"Yes. The baby is dead. And it's all because of you." Cassie's voice cracked at the last word. Her eyes became misty,and Kaden pulled her into his arms as she silently wept into his chest; her shoulder shook heavily with each sound.

"You got what you wanted." Kaden told him. "You killed your own baby with your own hands. I hope you're happy."

No he was not. It felt as if a part of him had died with the baby. And Ella, sweet lord, he had hurt his wife all because of his own selfish reasons. He had neglected his own children because he was blindsided by his own fears.

William sank onto his knees at the foot of the bed,with tears running down his cheeks,and face stinging as salty water touched the bruises and cuts. But the physical pain he was feeling was nothing compared to his emotional one. It felt as if his whole world was coming to an end.

Ella would never forgive him. He knew that she would hate him for taking away her baby. Their baby.

He had tore his family apart with his own hands.

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