Chapter 1

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Lynn's POV

"Guess who?" I familiar voice said as they came up behind me and wrapped their hands around my eyes, blinding me.

I was at my locker putting my stuff away and heading to lunch.

"umm... I don't know, Willy Wanka?" I asked. of coarse I knew who it was, just wanted to mess with him.

"No silly! It's me Hayes, Your best friend!" Hayes said and I chuckled.

Yes, we became best friends thanks to Hunter. He was suspended for getting into a fight with some kid.

"HAPPY FRIEND-AVERSARY!" Hayes said pulling me in for a hug.

It had been exactly a year since we met.

"I'm so lucky to be your best friend!" Hayes said as he was still hugging me.

"Me too, I got you something!" I said as I took out a pair of socks and Hayes did too.

"Omg Socks!" Hayes laughed

"Mine are rainbow!" I exclaimed

"Just kidding Lynn, here's your real gift" He said pulling out a bag

"same" I said handing him his.

he got me a floral white sundress.. it was perfect!

"Aww hayes. it's perfect" I said kissing his cheek.

"Yeah my mom helped me pick it out, I was seriously just gonna get you socks" He laughed as I playfully punched him.

I had gotten him some khakis shorts and a black hoodie.

"Let's go to lunch though!" Hayes said as we both put our gifts away and left to lunch.

we both chose the same lunch, and sat down with our friends, Marcus and Vanessa.

Marcus was a ginger guy. He had Blue eyes and freckles. he played Football with Hayes.

Vanessa was a Girl with Blonde hair and Green eyes. she was really pretty actually and had a line of boys crushing on her. She was a cheerleader.

and this is why I had insecurities, and felt like nothing. it was because of girls like Vanessa, they were perfect and flawless.. then there was me. I had brown hair that went just below my shoulders and brown eyes. I also wore contacts. There was nothing special about me. I didn't have the greatest body, so I wasn't a cheerleader. I was a writer. Yes, it sounds lame. I could write just about anything. My mind was always running with ideas. I was clearly nothing compared to Vanessa.

I didn't worry about boys liking me, I had my guy. His name is Aaron. We've been dating for about 3 years. We have a long distance relationship, he lives in Texas while I live in North Carolina.

"Hey guys" Hayes greeted Marcus and Vanessa.

they both replied with a 'hey' back.

"Wanna go to the mall after school, Lynn?" Vanessa asked

"umm.. no, she can't.  We're hanging out all day long. Today's Our Friend-aversary!" Hayes answered for me

"who said I ever agreed to this?" I asked

"C'mon Lynn!" Hayes begged

"But today is mine and Aaron's anniversary and I promised I would skype him." I said

"pleasee... you can skype him at my house!" Hayes responded

"your house?" I asked

"yep. I want you to meet my family." he replied

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