Chapter 1 : hiding

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Book 2 Chapter 1 : hiding

Rainbow Dashs POV

After 2 months, of hiding. Of avoiding. of awkwardness. I start to lose my train if thought, and I daze off.

"Rainbow!" I hear a familiar voice calling my name, in a stern tone.

"Where here!" she called. It was Applejack, pushy as always.

I snapped up, thinking I was caught, but once the words fully came to me, I calmed. Its hard living like this, but lots do. Or... I guess? I don't have a clue.

All I'm worried about....

Is if Fluttershy will crack.

I get up and trot off the train. We arrived in ManeHattin. I'm not quite sure why we are here. I don't really listen to Rarity. I hate how all she says it "dress" this and "oh no" that.

Too much drama. Just chill.

Another thing, was that I just never really liked ManeHattin. It has so many ponies living there, they have a no flying rule! Have they ever thought about me? what if I need to fly? As in, my only hope or some crap like that.

"Hey! miss, on the ground!" I heard a rough tone yell at me. It was a train station security guard. I was probably so lost in my mind I didn't notice I was hovering.

I looked at fluttershy. Laughing, smiling, chatting. How does she have more confidence than me!? I'm the queen if confidence! And cool. And awesome.

"Alright girls! we are here!" says Rarity in a sing-song voice

I stare at the place, and don't stop. They start to walk in with out me.

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