Chapter two

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***I'm sooo sorry I took like 10 years to finally write again. Oopies. But I'm back again. yay!***

I woke up to my alarm going off


I groaned. Today is the first day of school. I sat up on my bed and looked around my room. I don't know why but I did. I got up grabbed a blue v-neck, dark blue jeans and my black converse. Then I left my room, going to the bathroom to take a shower

*20 minutes later*

I exited the bathroom going to my room and brushed my hair into a ponytail. Then put on my glasses. I grabbed my bookbag and went down stairs, to see my dad passed out on the couch. Lovely. I ate breakfast and checked the time 7:10am

I decided to go to school early. I left my house and headed to school. Gotham High School. Which was only 3 blocks away. When I reached the school I entered and went to the office. When I walked in the office lady looked at me weird.

"How may I help you..?"

"I'm a new student. I need my schedule and my locker number and como."

"Ooh okay! what's your name?"

"Estrella Stark"

The lady looked through papers til she found mine.

"Here we are! there you go."

She handed me the paper and I left.

I looked at the paper 'locker 321' okaaay I'm guessing the third floor. I went up to the third floor and found my locker

Como '40-45-30' I opened it and started to put my books in it. Then looked at my schedule.

AP Calculus class:301

AP world history class:302

P.E class:small gym

Spanish 3 class :334

Theatre arts class 123

Honors English 11 class:200

Honors physics class:5

Ugh. I hate school.

I checked the time 7:50. People started Pouring into the junior hall. I grabbed my math and history books and started to walk to class.

When I walked into the classroom some kids were in the class already.

I sat by the window at the far end of the classroom. Then a REALLY cute guy entered the class, with a bunch of his friends, I'm guessing. He had sorta long black hair. He had beautiful blue eyes. He was on the tall side. Wasn't too tall but tall. He sat on the opposite side of the class. I pouted a bit.

Then a girl with short, light brown hair entered. she looked around then sat beside me. I looked at her, and she smiled at me. I awkwardly smiled back.

"I'm Lily Park." The girl said

"Stark. Uh Estrella Stark" I replied.

"Cute name. You're new. where ya from?"

"Thanks. Uh Chicago."

"Ooooh nice! Nice city I've been there. once." Lily said, and giggled.

then the teacher entered the room.

"Hello class. I'm Mr.Pagorek. Your teacher. I'm a new teacher. So I barely know you guys. So let's introduce ourselves, let's start onnnn that side."

And pointed at me. Damn.

"Stand, say your name, and your hobby." Pagorek said ugh

I stood up with everyone looking at me

"I'm Estrella Stark. My hobby is to listen to music." I said and sat down.

Then everyone else said theirs

"I'm Lily Park I like to Dance" lily said awhile after me.

Then the last person was the cute guy

"I'm Dick Grayson. I like to play Football"

Dick Grayson. Hmm. Nice name. I looked at him for awhile and then he looked and me and winked

I blushed and looked away. Wonderful. He's a flirt.

15 minutes later the bell rang. I got my books and rushed out

Then someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw Dick

"Hey" he said to me.

Love is a strong force (Dick Grayson/nightwing fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora