Confusion, and purple eyes

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*Styles POV*

The wind rushed through my brown curly mop of hair and I smiled. I loved feeling the harsh wind on my face and blowing through my hair, but soon it stopped and we landed. I looked at the horrible excuse for a man in my arms. He was winded and had blacked out. I pulled my lips back in dislike and dropped him on the ground. What kind of a man hits a woman? Especially the woman he loves? He should be loving her and holding her, like what you're supposed to do with your fated, your soulmate. I shook my head remembering that he was a foolish mortal, and they didn't have fateds. Dragging the boy, I flew into a room, I dumped his sorry ass on the bed and waited for him to awaken.

"Styles!" a redheaded girl ran up to me, Kaltain.

"Kaltain." I nodded at her.

"Are you alright? Did you get the girl? How about the boy from Red Eyes? Did you find them?"

"yes, no, no, kinda," I chuckled at her questions, always full of them, but then again it wasn't her fault, her power was to ask questions that would make you squirm and she'd know if you were lying. Her job was to questions prisoners and enemy captives. She enjoyed her job so much that she asked questions wherever she went. She was vampire born so she looked 18, but her actual age was 200 something, maybe even older. I myself was 418. Vampire borns stop aging at 18, then stay the same way forever until someone kills them.

"How are you going to get them? We can't declare a war..until we get the Council's approval, and I doubt that they would let us fight and die for a human girl," She asked anxiously.

" We'll worry about that later," I smiled sloppily waving it off.

"Hey, who's that?" Kaltain asked, noticing Kayne.

"A lousy man."

"What did he do?"

"Oh, Kaltain he abuses Bella, the girl I told you about, the stupid thing is he loves her."

"Hmmph. He doesn't deserve her. Something tells me that they won't ever be together." She harrumphed.

I smiled at her words, good. I didn't want them together anyway for some reason. Kaltain has what she calls intuition, the thing is she's always right about her intuition. So right that sometimes we think that she has another power, to be able to tell the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2019 ⏰

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