Sending jags

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Wisteriamoon was sitting on her couch sending jags to Bepper and Aparri. She was trying to tell them about the reunion. She sighed and leaned against the back of the couch, knowing they wouldn't answer.

"Oh my GOD can they plz just ANSWER ALREADY!?!" She yelled out loud. The scream echoed in her huge den. "Why do I even try?" Wisteria mumbled. She got up and Sighed out loud and walked sluggishly to her door. Ding. Ding. Her ears perked up. "OMIGOSH THEY ACTUALLY ANSWERED!!!" She gave herself a high five and a screen appeared. "Oh that is RAD animal jam! RAD!" She yelled with excitement filling her body. Animal jam had recently added that feature into the game. Everyone thought that it was practically the BEST update ever. Some disagree, and some agree. The screen had the mail icon, a buddies list icon, the jammer wall icon, the news icon, the journey book icon, the parties icon, the games icon, the gems icon, and the change avatar icon. Wisteria pawed the mail button.

Wisteriamoon saw the jammer that had sent the mail. And of course, it was Aparri and Bepper. "YES! THAT IS THE RADDEST THING I HAVE EVER SAW TODAY!" Wisteriamoon shouted. "THAT DIDN'T MAKE SENSE BUT I DON'T CARE!" Wisteria read the messages. "What do you want to talk about? Meet me in my den." - Aparri

"YEAH BFF?!?!?!!? PLZ COME TO MA DEN!!!!!!!! - Bepper

Wisteriamoon sighed. She walked out the door and padded towards the woods.

Aparri and his younger sister, Bepper, waited patiently for their friend to arrive. The silence was almost unbearable. Nobody talked for about five minutes. Bepper looked excited at first, but after one minute her face grew bored.

"Hey, Aparri!" Bepper said out of nowhere. "What?" Aparri questioned. "Wanna pay a game while we wait?" Bepper said eager to hear an answer. Aparri thought about it for a moment. "Well?" Bepper said impatiently. "Sure" Replied Aparri. Bepper smiled and bounced around the living room. "Ok! Four gem? I know you're good at it." Said Bepper. "Alright." Aparri smiled. They played four gem and Aparri won with his unique technique. A few games later, Bepper announced that she was to tired to play anymore games and she wanted to go to bed. "Alright," Aparri said. "I'll tell you when WisteriaMOON is here." "Thanks par par." Bepper yawned. She tiredly walked upstairs and into her room.

Wisteriamoon jumped over bushes and thorns, ducked over branches and fallen trees. She had been running through the forest for about five minutes and she was so eager to get to her friends house, she didn't pay attention to sounds. She only focused on her surroundings. She hadn't been doing that earlier, and she tripped over countless branches and ran into branches. Wisteria wondered if she would make it to Backonden St. in a few minutes or so. Wisteria ran faster and faster. She really didn't want to miss the reunion. It was in ten minutes. Finally, she saw a road and a few houses in the distance. She ran as fast as she could and reached Backonden St. in a few seconds. She ran down the sidewalk and spotted a magenta house. She ran into the house, not caring to knock.

Aparri jumped when Wisteriamoon ran inside the house. "Oh, sorry for barging in... Anyway, We need to go! FAST! LIKE REALLY FAST! Get Bepper and follow me!" Wisteria said with a fast tone. "Ok!" I yelled and sprinted upstairs and dragged Bepper out of bed and down the stairs. "What?" She mumbled tiredly. She opened her eyes and realized Wisteria was there. She jumped up. "Oh, hey Wisty!" Bepper said with no trace of tiredness in her voice. "Hey, Bep. We need to go. NOW!" Wisteria said as she ran out the door. Aparri and Bepper followed Wisteria.

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