Chapter Twenty-Four: Sounds of Laughter, Shades of Life

Start from the beginning

Fellglow Keep was a little over three hours from Whiterun. They arrived early and after eliminating the mages outside and on the upper levels, they found Orthorn imprisoned on the lower level.

"Onmund!" he shouted, "Thank gods someone came! Please, please, please let me out of here."

"Now," said Elspeth when they had released him from his cell. "Where are the books you took?"

"Oh." Orthorn sounded dejected. "I thought perhaps you'd come for me."

"No," replied Onmund, who was starting to sound irritated. "The College needs the books back. Tell us where they are."

"The Caller has them in the undercroft. Since you rescued me, I could take you to her, I suppose."
"That would be good," said Onmund harshly. "Now, let's go." The tone of Onmund's voice was unsettling. She knew that Onmund didn't care for how Orthorn had treated Aine, but she wasn't expecting this much hostility.

There were more mages throughout the keep; they were easily eliminated. The undercroft was a large open room with several alcoves filled with altars and summoning circles. When they met The Caller, she didn't attack—she merely scolded them for making a mess.

"We came for the books," said Elspeth as they approached her.

"If you can find them, you can have them," she said. "They are of no use to me."

"Where are they?" asked Lydia, drawing her axe.

"Let's see," she replied and gestured to Orthorn. "If you hand him over, I'll tell you where they are." Orthorn went pale and started shaking his head.

Lydia and Elspeth went to protest but before they could say anything, Onmund pushed Orthorn forward. "Take him," he said, almost casually. "Where are the books?"

The Caller's laugh was menacing as she pointed to a chest across the room. When Elspeth and Lydia attempted to confront her, she pulled Orthorn between them.

"She's going to kill me," he cried.

"Indeed, I am," she agreed. "Slowly and painfully."

She started to move away, keeping a terrified Orthorn between her and the other women, but with her back turned to Onmund, she didn't see him grab his dagger and stick her in the back. Elspeth was stunned, not certain if she was impressed with or terrified by Onmund's cunning. The Caller collapsed and Orthorn ran to a door on the far end of the undercroft, an exit that appeared to be locked. While Onmund found the books, Elspeth looted a key from The Caller's body.

When they were outside, Orthorn started screaming at Onmund. "What in Oblivion were you thinking?" Elspeth wondered this as well.

"I was thinking that the leader of a renegade group of mages could still do a lot of damage before the four of us took her out," explained Onmund. "You're alive aren't you? Now, are you coming back to the College? Aine would like to know."

"Aine?" Orthorn looked confused and slightly regretful.

"Oh, did you just forget about her?

"No, I—I don't know. Do you think I should go back?"

"No, but it's not my decision."

"You always had a thing for her." At this Elspeth's stomach lurched. Onmund had acknowledged his old crush on Aine, but he was so hostile toward Orthorn, she was starting to wonder if there was still something there.

Onmund shook his head in exasperation. "Your problem Orthorn is that you are so used to following your prick around, you can't imagine anyone doing otherwise."

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