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Wonpili 💓💖✨
[Seen 9:25pm]

To Wonpili 💓💖✨
What. What's up with Dowoonie?
[Seen 9:25pm]

Wonpili 💓💖✨
I made that nickname 4 u! Plus I said I'd talk 2 u later earlier!
[Seen 9:26pm]

To Wonpili 💓💖✨
Oh yeah that.
[Seen 9:27pm]

Wonpili 💓💖✨
Mhm. Let's call each other!
[Seen 9:27pm]

To Wonpili 💓💖✨
It's late.
[Seen 9:27pm]

Wonpili 💓💖✨
It's not that late ☹️
[Seen 9:28pm]

To Wonpili 💓💖✨
Do u rlly want 2 call me at 9:28??
[Seen 9:28pm]

Wonpili 💓💖✨
Mhm :))) if ur tired u don't have to go on the phone with me tho
[Seen 9:29pm]

To Wonpili 💓💖✨
I'll talk 2 u but if I say anything dumb, just know I don't mean it at all.
[Seen 9:29pm]

Wonpili 💓💖✨
[Seen 9:30pm]

       Incoming call from Wonpili 💓💖✨



Dowoon's heart stopped for a bit but he calmed down nonetheless.

"What. You sound tired.."

"I had a photo shoot. It's tiring but I'm ok!"

"Are you sure?"

"Mhm! Awww you actually care!"

"Shut up.."

"Awww cute." Wonpil let out a small yawn and Dowoon felt that he needed to go to sleep.

"Hey, are you sure you're not tired? For real. You're yawning."

"I'm a bit tired but I wanna talk to you~"

"About what? Go to sleep or else you'll end up snoring in the middle of the conversation."

"But you never finished my compliment thingie earlier woonie!" Ah yes. The compliment thingie. The thing Dowoon didn't think he'd want to finish but also did at the same time. The thing that would be hard for him to say again.

"Mm true. Although I could just tell you tomorrow."

"How come you can't just tell me now? I want to know~"

"You're tired. I want you to rest."

"Geez you sound like my mom. Is that a boyfriend thing?"

"I'm not your boyfriend and I'm not your mom. I'm just concerned."

"Aaah so your my mom then. Great! You should meet my hyung Sungjin then!"

"What the fu— no thanks boo. Go get rest. I'll tell you tomorrow."

"Mm are you sure? What if you're tricking me?"

"If I did trick you, you'd just bother me about it the next day. Just go sleep." Wonpil yawned again and whined.



"You said you might not mean anything when talking to me a while ago."

"Well I mean it when I say get some rest."

"Oh so then you're my mom or boyfriend? That's a bit weird."


"Hm?" Dowoon let out a small laugh and sighed.

"Get some rest Alright? I'll talk to you tomorrow ok?"

"Aw your laugh is cute. Alright then, Goodnight Dowoonie!"

"Night Wonpil."

"Love you lots!"

"Love you to— uh yeah whatever. Night bye." He heard Wonpil giggle on the other end and then the other line hanged up. Dowoon ran his hand through his hair and groaned.

"What the hell was that????" Dowoon went back into the chat and sighed.

"Might as well get it over with so tomorrow I won't have to...."

To  Wonpili 💓💖✨
What I was trying to say was, you're cute.
[Delivered 9:45pm]

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