Dorian's Opinion on Lavellan's Romance

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[Soundtrack: Alvae by Adrian von Ziegler]

"And what about you and Solas, hmm?" he asked with a wicked grin as we walked the battlements at Skyhold.

Dorian's visit was only for a short time, so we spent as much time as we could together. He looked quite handsome in his new magister robes. Though I could tell he was trying not to take the role seriously around me. To us, we were just two people with similar views trying to make time for each other - not the Inquisitor or a Tevinter magister.

"We're doing better," I admitted. "We're still not where we want to be, but after everything that's happened -"

"That crudely dressed elf wouldn't know what to do without you," he said, twirling one end of his fancifully curled mustache. "But, honestly, I was hoping you'd say that."

"Why are you so interested?" I asked, pulling the blanket around my shoulder closer to me as the wind blew past us.

"After what he did, you can imagine my frustration with him. Well, everyone's frustration, really. But, being your best friend, I believe I have a right to be despicable to him until he makes up for everything he put you through. He lacks the ability to make me trust him, not that he cares for my trust in the slightest, but know this: If he ever hurts you again, I will kill him myself." His brow drew together as he frowned angrily.

I had no words. Dorian was my best friend, particularly because of the things we shared with one another on a daily basis. Ever since the debacle between him and his father, there was no getting rid of me.

"I don't know what to say, Dorian."

"Don't say anything. You'll ruin the moment." He brought me into a hug, throwing one arm around my shoulder and pulling me to his side. "Just tell him 'Dorian says hello,' and leave it at that."

I chuckled.

"And what of Commander Cullen?" he asked with a little more caution.

I frowned. "We don't speak much unless we have to. Not only is he mad about Solas even being here to begin with, but he... confessed some feelings to me that he hasn't gotten over yet."

"I thought as much." He crossed his arms. "I knew it wouldn't go over well when he tried to be your rebound after Solas disappeared. And after what you told me - those dreams you had in the Fade where you and Solas were secretly meeting - deliciously scandalous. Not to mention painfully romantic. You were literally sleeping with the enemy."

"And Cullen didn't know I was still seeing Solas. No one could know."

"Which is why he thought it was a good idea to swoop in and save said damsel in distress from her own feelings."

"Well, we'll just have to live with the repercussions of things."

"And your arm?" he asked, poking at the mechanical limb hanging from my shoulder.

"It's better. It's easy to control now. Dagna did a wonderful job. At first, it was a lot stronger than I was used to. I had to be careful when I shook hands with dignitaries. I almost took a duke's hand off."

He laughed. "That, I would have paid to see."

We continued our walk along the battlements until I started shivering.

"You wouldn't be so cold if you'd learn to wear clothes."

"I am wearing clothes."

"Actual clothes, not that Dalish rubbish you're wearing. Look at you; bare feet on freezing cold stone."

"Ane masa," I grumbled.

"I don't know what that means, but considering it's directed at me, it may be slanderous."



*Ane masa.(You are an ass.)

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